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Fantasy Football Fixture Ticker / Fantasy Football Fixtures

Interactive Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker 2015-16

Interactive Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker 2015-16


It’s that time again folks; T minus two weeks or so and counting! Many FPL players pick their initial team based chiefly on last season’s form, others on as many big names as possible (with the necessary accompanying threadbare bench), while yet others have a noticeable bias towards players from their supported team (Kop does NOT approve!). The serious FPL player will select their starting 15 based on a wide range of factors however, not least of which are the fixtures.

With that in mind I’ve updated and improved the season-long tracker a few people seemed to find useful last year. This lets you choose how difficult each fixture is and displays appropriate colours as an easy visual guide – much like the tracker on the site except that it shows the whole season and is interactive. I’ll give a brief outline of how it works here but there are instructions in the tracker too and there’s a link to a video explaining it at the bottom.

You start by grouping together teams of similar ability, such as putting Arsenal, Chelsea, City and United in Level 1. Last season you could put teams in 4 different groups, but now you can place them in anything from 3 to 10 groups depending on how detailed you want to get. This way you could even have Chelsea in a category all on their own if you consider them to be that much better than their rivals for example.

Next comes the other upgrade from the first tracker – last season you were limited to having 5 colours represent the different matches, but now you can choose between 3, 5 or 7. After you make your choice you will then decide how difficult you rate each match between teams of different groups. When you have finished you can select the Fixtures Tab and all of the colours there will have updated to be specific to your own ratings. These can be changed as often as you like, and indeed should be updated as the season goes on to account for changes in teams’ forms.

The link to the tracker itself is here:
Interactive Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker 2015-16




Video Explanation:


Link to Tracker


Fixture Tracker Home
All of our trackers live in one happy home which can be found by clicking on the Tips tab in the menu header near the top of the page and then selecting Fixture Tracker from the drop down menu. In here you will find a goldmine of helpful tools including our Home & Away rotation tracker and things like goalkeeper rotations etc. If you’re too lazy to navigate here’s a direct link to it –

Fixture Tracker Home

Have fun, and if you need any help leave a message on here or Twitter: @SharpyBoy86


Thanks for reading Interactive Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker 2015-16 This article was written by Calvin Clyne

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  1. 2
    Kop Warrior says:

    Thanks for the mention Calvin 😉

    In all seriousness mate this is superb and as Cookie has already said, it’s very much appreciated.

    Back to the drawing board!!

  2. 3

    CC, fantastic job!! I know I have already rated the teams and the match ups and I got a tracker that suits me. Many thanks!

  3. 4
    NIN says:

    Great stuff CC, i’ll have a mess with this later today for sure :thumbup:

  4. 5
    Silverback says:

    Great job CC used the one you did last yr a few times good bit of information cheers mate

  5. 6

    How do you play the tutorial video?


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