Fantasy Football Fixture Ticker

The aim of our Fixture Ticker is to provide you with a ‘quick glance guide’ as to what the next 6 fixtures hold in store for each team.

Fantasy Football Fixtures Christmas Edition GW’s 16-21

Fantasy Football Fixtures Christmas Edition GW’s 16-21 The Christmas Zone 60 games over 25 days. Or 6 GW deadlines in a little over 3 weeks. Whichever way you cut it we are about to enter the busy period, AKA the Christmas Zone. Game-weeks begin to run into each other and it can all become a bit confusing, especially after a few celebratory eggnogs. You go to sleep toasting another Salah hat-trick and wake up finding that the next GW has already begun. We can’t help with the hangovers but we can at least help with the planning. To which end here is our rundown on who has what during the Christmas Zone, which teams you should be targetting to get exciting presents from whilst toasting with a freshly poured Prosecco and which ones are likely to leave you uttering ‘Bah Humbu...[Read More]

FPL Fixtures Gameweek 1

FPL Fixtures Gameweek 1 And so the countdown begins. Whether you’ve been countlessly drafting and tinkering over the past few weeks or have had the discipline to hold off for now, it’s time to get serious and start planning the start of the campaign. Rather than writing the traditional Fixtures article format of ‘Good’ and ‘Bad’, I have instead written a small piece on every team with a look at their early fixtures and the players to watch from each team as we start the season. Obviously the latter is not an exhaustive list, that’s the job of the Tips article author. Good luck for the season ahead. FPL FIXTURE TRACKER But first up that all important Fixture Tracker itself… FIXTURE TRACKER LINK FIXTURE TRACKER 2021/22 Arsenal Following an open day trip to newly promoted Brentford, The...[Read More]

FPL Fixtures Gameweek 24 (and 25 and beyond…)

FPL Fixtures Gameweek 24 (and 25 and beyond…) A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away… I used to write the Fixtures articles on both here and FFC* before us (*’Fantasy Football Cheat’ for those of a younger era). Week in and week out, for years on end, and whilst it was always a pleasure it could sometimes become monotonous. But then once in a while a Double Game-Week (DGW) would pop up and that would really (finally) pique the interest. Kid in a candy shop and all that. Or more like a weather reporter in Florida who suddenly has a hurricane to deal with. We both know they are coming eventually but for 98% of the rest of the year it’s samey-samey. I have long since given up the monotony, prefering to introduce some younger blood and new voices to the scene....[Read More]

FPL Fixtures Gameweek 18

FPL Fixtures Gameweek 18 No sh*t, Sherlock Writing this so early may yet prove to be folly, and no doubt the second it is published the PL will announce a circuit breaker and B(lank)GW18 will become B(leak)GW18 and we shall be back into the territory of adding ‘+’ symbols to GW’s again. But just in case we somehow avoid the above doomsday scenario we have decided to break the upcoming week’s down into words. You could always just look at the Fixture Tracker but sometimes it also helps to have the lay of the land spelt out in simple terms.* *On the above, and to confirm what BoJo said on Monday evening, as far as he is concerned he is happy for it to continue. But that does of course depend on Covid cases within clubs not escalating and the players behaving responsib...[Read More]

Fantasy Football Fixture Analysis Gameweek 30+

Fantasy Football Fixture Analysis Gameweek 30+ Ok, so we warned you on our FPL / FF247 Returns article that we may not be massively active for the rest of the season, given the fixture layout. But then we went and did a huge GABO article. And then there’s a comprehensive Captain Picks one in the pipeline. And the following will almost certainly put a final nail in that particular coffin / balloon*. *Delete as to how appropriately morbid you are. We genuinely don’t know how many more articles we will get to do this season, and so this may / may not be the final Fixtures Analysis one. Hence we decided to go comprehensive. Albeit succintly. Either way, here’s a whistle stop tour of all 20 teams and a quick analysis of all of their remaining fixtures… FPL FIXTURE TRACKER But ...[Read More]

Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker FPL 2019/20

Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker FPL 2019/20 Welcome to our FPL Fixture Tracker for the 2019/20 FPL season. And so it begins… It’s baby steps at this stage as we don’t know any player prices or indeed have a game to play yet but the Premier League released their fixture schedule earlier today and so we have started the ball rolling by creating our first Fixture Tracker of the season. What is it?! Regular users will be familiar with the simple and easy to use layout of our FPL Fixture Tracker. For anyone new to it, it simply does what it says on the tin; it’s a straight forward and easy to follow guide as to what fixtures lay ahead for each and every team. There are vastly more complicated versions of this available in other spheres (mainly on twitter!), some of whic...[Read More]

FPL Fixtures Analysis Game-week 3

FPL Fixtures Game-week 3 Welcome to FPL Fixtures Analysis Game-week 3. Well there goes GW2 – we hope you ended up happy with your team accumulating some decent points (ie you owned Ibra and Kun and capo’d one of them). We move on swiftly to GW3 though, no rest for the wicked here. It is worth noting there is an international break after GW3, which will coincide with the end of the transfer window. So hopefully we’ll have plenty to keep us occupied while the internationals are being played – as Arsenal look for a defender and a striker (yeah right), Liverpool for a left-back, Chelsea look to stop Conte spending anymore Russian cash and Hull look to buy anyone. In the meantime let’s have a look at those teams with decent fixtures coming up, while also issuing a ...[Read More]

Interactive Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker 2015-16

Interactive Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker 2015-16 It’s that time again folks; T minus two weeks or so and counting! Many FPL players pick their initial team based chiefly on last season’s form, others on as many big names as possible (with the necessary accompanying threadbare bench), while yet others have a noticeable bias towards players from their supported team (Kop does NOT approve!). The serious FPL player will select their starting 15 based on a wide range of factors however, not least of which are the fixtures. With that in mind I’ve updated and improved the season-long tracker a few people seemed to find useful last year.

Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker FPL 2024/25

Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker FPL 2024/25 Welcome to our Fixture Tracker for the 2024/25 FPL season. Thanks for reading Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker FPL 2024/25 Follow @FantasyFooty247

Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker FPL 2019/20 Copy

Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker FPL 2019/20 Welcome to our Fixture Tracker for the 2019/20 FPL season. FIXTURE TRACKER LINK For those who want their own tracker to play with, just make a copy using the link below; FIXTURE TRACKER 2019/20 Thanks for reading Fantasy Football Fixture Tracker FPL 2019/20 Follow @FantasyFooty247

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