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Fantasy Football Live Match Chat

Live Match Chat Gameweek 19 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. But will they perform, did you give the armband to the right player and will you see green arrows for your team this week?

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW19 from all at FF247!

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  1. 415
    Mitro says:

    Any ideas who I could replace silva with??

    Have Wally hazard cabaye bannan already

    • 415.1
      • as93 says:

        Toure if you can, keeps City coverage and there aren’t many more?

      • peakydave* says:

        What about for another city or arsenal player,both have good short term fixtures then u can rearrange with ur jan wildcard?? Navas seems a good choice or Nasri(don’t rate him personally!) or Yaya??? Or double up on Arsenal with Caz??? smile

        • Mitro says:

          I’m looking at yaya aswell as cazorla. I might me doubling up on arsenal’s defence though.

          So it’s going to be either yaya navas. Who’s got more potential? It’s got to be yaya ain’t it!

          What about oscar??

  2. 416
    as93 says:

    Morning guys.. RMT please
    Cech, Given
    Distin, Chester, Mertesacker, M.Olsson, B.Turner
    Ramsey, Shelvey, Barkley, Toure, Hazard
    Rooney, Suarez, Remy

    2FT 0.6. What are your thoughts on…
    Remy & Ramsey for Rodriguez & Walcott

    • 416.1
      peakydave* says:

      Morning as93!! Can u afford Lukaku and Walcott??? If ur set on Remy still looks good im wanting everton coverage as good good short term fixtures and I think Lukaku yesterday may have unlocked the beast in him and will be a bit more relaxed over the coming weeks!! Barkley-too inconsistent and cos of his age will be protected and not guaranteed gametime!!

      • as93 says:

        Hi peakydave, I can’t atm. I need the Remy funds to upgrade to Walcott. I may be able too when I use my Jan WC however. Could you suggest another move instead? Cheers

  3. 417
    peakydave* says:

    Morning guys!
    Judging by twitter movements it looks like the press conferences for Jan 1st games are going to be today!!

  4. 418

    Why on earth did So’ton play K.Davis this week – after the clean sheet the previous week ?!?!
    Can anyone explain, maybe ?

    • 418.1
      KungFuKingCantona says:

      Somewhere I read Boruc made 32 saves for 8 goals conceeded and Gazzanigga made 6 saves for 10 goals conceeded. Maybe Pochetino wanted to see if Davies could better that low tally??

      • KungFu – lol, mate…nice one…
        It’s just I have a non-playing keeper and was not expeting for Gazza to be dropped, especially as he was not injured and kept a clean sheet the previous GW…
        Took me by surprise, that’s it…
        Also, was planing to keep him for 1 more week till the VC and then think about who to bring in…
        Now, I ll have to waste a transfer on a 1 GW g-keeper, as I don’t have the funds (atm) to bring the one I want…not till I activate the VC… :/

        • KungFuKingCantona says:

          He might be back in since Davies did not show that much more than him? But Pochetino might now try with Cody Cropper for all we know!! Yeah it is annoying to waste a FT on that!

  5. 419

    What is every one doing with silva? And who do I play ruddy(cry A) or manone(ast H)

  6. 420
    jamesimmo says:

    Just seem I missed out on my cash league’s MOTM in December by 10 points – that’s like captaining Walcott over Suárez last gameweek – which is a shame.

    Ah well, picking up from a mediocre start, here’s to GW 20 and Quarter 2!

    Plan to bring in Moxey for Ward, with every penny I have, so I can bench Dawson.

    Then I have to convince myself it will be disastrous to not captain Suárez, as if he does well not captaining him will be like not having him.. BUT Walcottt though!

    Haha, any thoughts (team linked) are welcome, thanks

    • 420.1
      jamesimmo says:

      My bad, I plan to bring in Ward for Moxey, I’m not crazy don’t worry laugh

    • 420.2
      jamesimmo says:

      Also! I have a TV of 105.3m… I haven’t really been focusing in it…

      Now, I’m realising for this Jan WC, it’s important to have a high TV…

      What should I do? What’s the best way to raise TV? Bandwagon?

      Arghhh this is annoying, as I’ll probably suffer now, great…..

      • No, you won’t, mate !!!

        Jamesimmo – I wouldn’t change ur team ,mate !
        Ok, I would probably do like 2- or max 3 changes – but – that’s it !
        You have an awesome team – I mean if you think you don’t have one, how-come you are placed w/in the 150K smile ?
        TV does not win the game always…trust me…

        I would try to upgrade Oscar to Hazard and maybe Brunt to Cabaye lets’s say ?!?

        The rest of your team – they are ALL keeper’s, mate…
        I wouldn’t change a thing, deffo !
        Plus – the players you have, have been producing good pts and they will be on every1’s list to bring them in…
        So, if I was you – I would keep it late (the VC that is) – and wait on some of the players prices to rise…only then, if you are unhappy with someone of them – you can change/upgrade/downgrade etc…

        No reason to rush things, mate…Take my advice, U ll thank me later 😉 … come end of VC period… 😉

        • jamesimmo says:

          Thanks mate! Sorry I reposted this across the page as I thought it had gotten lost.. ..anyways that’s good to hear!

          The Hazard / Cabaye upgrades you mentioned I may struggle to do, without ripping apart my defense.. but cheers!

          Would you rather have Suárez / Rooney or Suarez / Aguero?

        • A tough one…
          But – just because I can’t decide, I ll try to keep some monies in the bank to eventually upgrade/change from 1 to the other option…

      • KungFuKingCantona says:

        Well bandwagons are good to raise TV of course. But then the best time for that is so random? Might depend a lot on injuries and such to a highly owned player then everybody would rush to another. Like Ramsey now…it feels like Cabaye is getting quite a lot of NTI lately. Ozil might loose a lot too and people are gonna shift to Walcott.
        Dawson could come good vs United at Old Trafford. Could end in a 0-0 for all we know?
        What are you planning to do with Silva? Bench or transfer out? I do not know if taking a short term punt on Nolan could be worth it for a 4 point hit? Maybe not…views on this? Thinking that but not sure…

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