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Live Match Chat Gameweek 19 – FPL Fantasy Premier League

Photo 23-11-2013 11 44 40The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. But will they perform, did you give the armband to the right player and will you see green arrows for your team this week?

Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.

Good luck for GW19 from all at FF247!

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  1. 421
    flingy says:

    Captain’s Picks GW20
    Data is from the last 6 games.
    Values worked from Team or Players average shots per match, divided by their opponents average shots faced per goal conceded.
    Team selection was chosen on values over 1.9.
    Player selection was chosen based on shots and goals.

    Team shortlist:
    Chelsea (2.38), Newcastle (1.92), Liverpool (2.02), Southampton (1.92), and Manchester United (1.90).

    Player shortlist:
    Hazard (0.28), Lampard (0.34), Suarez (0.61), Coutinho (0.43), Sterling (0.25), Welbeck (0.37), Rooney (0.42), Cabaye (0.54), Remy (0.36), Rodriguez (0.46), and Lambert (0.29).

    Captain’s Picks:
    Suarez, Cabaye, Rodriguez

    As a comparison due to popular request, are the players from Arsenal (1.4), Everton (1.73), and Manchester City (1.35).

    Giroud (0.28), Walcott (0.19), Barkley (0.39), Lukaku (0.37), Dzeko (0.19), and Negredo (0.21).

    For quick reference, here are the matches for the teams included in the list.
    Swansea v Manchester City
    Arsenal v Cardiff City
    Liverpool v Hull City
    Southampton v Chelsea
    Stoke City v Everton
    West Brom v Newcastle
    Manchester United v Tottenham

    My personal captain choice will once again be Suarez.

    • 421.1

      I may go with Wally…
      Tough to “pass” – on Suarez, but we ll see…

      • Mitro says:

        It’s Wally or Suarez for me. I may flip a coin for this one

        • jamesimmo says:

          Mitro – I might toss one too: heads ‘Walcott’ and tails ‘not Suárez’…

          …as that’s the only way I could find the guts to captain Walcott!

          Really want to, just don’t want it get left behind if Suárez goes crazy.

        • Mitro says:

          Suarez is the safe option!! You know most managers will go with him!!

          Wally is a differential and if he scores a few your most likely to see a big jump in postion

        • jamesimmo says:

          Exactly – going Wally on a personal level seems wise, as he could score but due this good form and fixture – but on a large scale, it could backfire if all the Suárez cappers rake in the points whilst you suffer because you captained Walcott instead..

  2. 422
    jamesimmo says:

    Help! I have a TV of 105.3, which I haven’t really been focusing on…

    Now, I’m realising for this Jan WC, it’s important to have a high TV…

    What should I do? How should I set up my (late) Jan WC?

    And for the future, what’s the best way to raise TV? Bandwagon?

    ((Arghhh this is annoying, as I’ll probably suffer now, great…..))

    • 422.1
      Mitro says:

      It’s not a bad value!! It’s better than most!! Mine is at 110.1 at the moment!!

      I would just activate your WC straight away and keep an eye on risers. But to be fair some of the players you have will defo increase over the coming days

      • jamesimmo says:

        110 is mad! Very impressive.. think I’m gonna hold off to late Jan!

        Look to replace Oscar for Hazard if he keeps up his for, or maybe swap Rooney to Agüero, or upgrade to a better 4th midfielder, but not too much hopefully!

        Are you activating yours asap or waiting too?

        • Mitro says:

          I really don’t know what to do mate!! I’m doing pretty good this year I’m up to 5k in the standings!! I only need to tweak it a bit!! I have a plan but it involves aguero, so I may wait towards the end of the month

        • My value is 116.7. It was 4th in world until I took hit and traded out Ramsey.
          It has taken 61 trades.
          Plan is to go as well as I can in the CUP

        • Gallowgate says:

          Ramsey must have cost you a few quid mate? Your value is only £107.3m now 😉

    • 422.2
      Gallowgate says:

      Best way to gain value is to have a bigger
      turnover of transfers.
      It obviously comes at a cost though in hits.
      I’ve now done about 35 transfers and current value of £111.4m which was considerably higher until last week before selling Ramsey and losing 0.8m value.
      Selling Aguero cost me a similar amount when sold a few weeks back.
      It’s too late for you to gain a significant amount to make a difference in Jan WC though so would just go as you are.
      Good luck

  3. 423
    jamesimmo says:

    Okay, so out if these 3 upgrades, can you prioritise them?

    1) Oscar —–> Hazard (perhaps Oscar can kick on now…?)

    2) Brunt —–> Cabaye / Lallana (if so, pick a preference)

    2) Rooney —–> Agüero (is Lukaku an acceptable 3rd striker?)

    Sorry, I’m just looking ahead to late Jan, and my WC issues / upgrades smile

  4. 424
    Milk and Busquets says:

    Reading some of the latest comments on the right.. What are you monkeys on about? Cookie? GP? Raz? lol

    • 424.1

      Hey Milky I have been searching around for a clear answer on the Sunderland keeper thing. It seems that fans think will keep his place even if Westwood is back and many are still waiting to see if he will have shoulder surgery, in that case he be out for 2 months. Plus as Gallow said, would Poyet really sit Vito considering the job he has done for him.

      • Milk and Busquets says:

        Ahh thanks Mito! So would you go Mannone and a better defender or Krul and a cheaper defender? I think maybe the former..

        • If form holds you could get away with Vito, but I am not confident they can keep up their run of clean sheets that they had going before the Cardiff game. But unless you buy a big club keeper they are all a crap shoot, so I would say get the defender you want and just slot one of Vito/Ruddy/Marshall/Tremmel crowd in there and hope for the best.

        • Milk and Busquets says:

          Yeah I think that’s what I am going to go for. Rather have a shit keeper than no keeper, and save the WC for later to see the transfers in/out. I just do not like my team with Yaya and Silva, and no Hazard. lol

  5. 425
    as93 says:

    What’s the best way to free up funds? Cech to Mannone or Remy to Rodriguez?

  6. 426
    Colriles says:

    Hey lads, care to help out with transfer and lineup thoughts for this gw?

    Should prob address Keeper situation given Davis’ return? So Boruc to Mannone/Speroni/Marshall? I could also afford Ruddy or Guzan.

    Or upgrade to a better 4th mid with Silva out this week? Anyone up to 5.7.

    Gazza – Boruc
    Coleman – Mert – Bardsley – (MTurner – BTurner)
    Wally – Hazard – Noble – Oviedo (Silva)
    Suarez – Lukaku – Negredo

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