Happy Sunday to you all! While there are just the two games today there will be fantasy interest aplenty as Swansea host Spurs at 1.30pm and then at 4pm Man Utd visit Stamford Bridge to play Chelsea.
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Good luck for GW22 from all at FF247!
Can Anyone HELP ME !! Team Above
Jeet, looked at your team and I just think you’ve been unlucky this week. Defence is good and so is mid. Could do with upgrading Hooper. Gerrard would the one to go for me
Morning B-Bash, how was your GW?
Evening NZ
Not a bad gameweek mate. Kept hold of Yaya Cabaye played well and Ade was class……again! Back in top 100 I think! 😉
How about you?
Average B-Bash, 55 (Coleman still to play), which is disappointing after playing my w/c. Top 100, well done mate thats great! Question for you; I have Wilshire and Laullana and debating which is the best two of the four including those two plus Cabaye and Erikson, what do you think mate?
Cabaye and Eriksen are the better options. Lallana is running close tho to keep!
Thank BB Really GERRARD He Still take Free Kicks Corners and PENALTYS ..!! Who Should I’ve Transfer Him Out For ?
Gerrard is fixed for set pieces as you say, but he was awfull yesterday. Playing too deep. He doesn’t appeal to me for fpl. I think Cabaye or even Wilshere will score more points over next few weeks
Basher, stevie was bad yesterday, agreed, but in the deeper role, when lucas came on stevie went back to his usual role he was fine, dont think the deeper role suited him, probably play allen there now if lucas injured, waiting for the chicken to get back to me about a blind date on wednesday night, how you fixed mate ?
I’m good to go mate!!
Sound basher, just wait for the rooster to give us the green light, hopefully. :red-flag:
Is aguero going to rise any more as if I get rid of ozil and put in Ramsey and upgrade Sturridge to aguero i only have 0.1 so is he going to rise more
Not tonight he won’t but I’d imagine sometime over the next 7 or 8 days he will. He’s at 12.2 now and the max he can cost you before the next GW is 12.4 (I think).
This United team will be the death of me,a huge clear out is needed,quickly.
Anderson already out, Nani on his way, Giggs playing less….and I hope Moyes has someone coming in very soon. It is possible to buy quality in January. Got to splash a little cash and not be too affraid, it’s working for Chelsea so why not for United!
KFK – It’s a start,i think 10-15 players need to be sold or phased out,i just hope Moyes has the stones to do it,we’re awful.
Defo! We are awful at finishing without our 2 main stars. But if we look at the way the team played today, they did relatively good..but still got hammered 3-1. In the first 15 Chelsea where nowhere to be seen. Moyes is on the right track though…hopefully!
KFK – Yeah,it was far from our worst performance of the season that’s for sure,the da Silva twins have to go,no discipline at all.I think Moyes will get it right,he needs to get the finger out and activate Draxlers release clause though,before Wenger does it!!
+1 Moyes shall read this post!!
KFK – Indeed,i think he knows the story,the summer transfer window will be one of the biggest in our history,if we f**k it up then we’re in big,big trouble,hopefully David and Ed have learned their lesson from last summers fiasco.
65pts with Coleman left to play !
Very satisfied
How’s every1 doing this GW ?
Alright HL, 55 with Coleman to play. A little disappointed after I used w/c. Have you played yours yet?
58 points, with Bained and Coleman to play. Hoping for CS and one of them to score tommorow.
NZ – morning, mate 😉 [ though late evening 4 most of us ’round here
] !
Yes, used my WC 2 weeks ago…satisfied with the team, too…
From the Team you see now (linked) – I have made only 2 changes for next week…
Ade out 4 Aguero & Ozil out 4 Wilshere – no hit, saved my 2 FT’s …
Have you used urs or ur gonna use it now ?
I know mate, my ongoing (not,very funny) joke about just getting up! Yes I played mine last week, disappointed score but happy with squad (linked). What are your thoughts on the question is asked B-Bash (61 above)? great position to be in with your current score mate, well done! So will you lose Cole now and stay with Chelsea defender or switch to City!?
NZ – Wilshere/Lallana/Eriksen/Cabaye…ok…
1) Wilshere/Lallana/Cabaye – have better fixtures than Eriksen…
Wilshere & Lallana have better fixtures than Cabaye & Eriksen in 3 out of 4 GW’s…
So, anyway you look at it – Eriksen is out…he has THE toughest schedule of all 4 !
p.s. ARS has LIV away & UTD home – but considering their Title ambitions I do no consider these games as “hard” for them, but a “Yellow” category (fixture that can go either way)…
2) So’ton has Arsenal next BUT 3 easy (on paper) games after that ! so Lallana gets another point here…
3) Cabaye has Norwich away & Sunderland home BUT CHE & TOT after that !
4) Eriksen & Cabaye play each-other ! while Lallana & Wilshere play each-other next week, already ! so, up to you to decide who’s gonna outscore who 😉 !
If it was me – I’d go with Lallana & Wilshere !
I see you have both – so no need to change anything, imho !
I would only change Wilshire to Ramsey once he is back…that’s it …
p.s. the reason I’m not choosing Cabaye over Wilshere is very simple !
Although Cabaye had some very strong GW’s – not having any ARS cover while Ramsey is out & Ozil is underperforming and ARS still going strong – would be suicidal, imho…
HL, thanks so much for that detailed analysis, really is appreciated. Ok in response to your article I have narrowed it down to; either sticking with what I have already for the very valid points you make. I am also debating transferring Cabaye for Wilshire in a short term move till Ramsey is back (within the next two g/w’s I understand). My reason for this is I like Cabaye’s fixtures over next few g/w’s (although Wilshire’s are good too!) and feel he may outscore Wilshire. BUT when Ramsey is back he will be back in for Cabaye. I will decide by deadline tight so as not to lose out on the extra dollars. Thanks again mate, great post for me
NZ :thumbup: – anytime, mate, no worries…
TBH – I wanted to downgrade Ozil to Cabaye myself, as well..just did not have the funds to do that…Also – the thought of not having any ARS cover scared the shite out of me, too…haha…So logically went with Wilshere…
Your plan is solid ! I’d deffo go with it !
And when Ramsey comes back – we will all have more options open…
Cheers, mate :beer: !
Thanks HL, I’ve just hit confirm on the transfer to avoid the price rise of Cabaye! I feel he will be back next G/W, probably as a sub but will play some part! Well done on this week mate, good score. So will you ditch Cole now or stick with him?
NZ-already used my 2 FT’s for next week…
Kun 4 Ade & Wilshere 4 Ozil…
Planning to downgrade Cole next Saturday…just after the deadline bell…
Though, will see how things stand b4 doing anything…
If all goes well, I may even hold off and do 2 transfers the week after…or do another transfer instead and keep Ashley 4 one more week…too early to tell…
I want Ramsey in but he’s still doubtful…so, not sure…
Exactly the same as me!
Surely I’ve won this im on 50 points with Coleman still to play and cup opponent is on 38 with Coleman and jagielka to play nice score HL
Am4r77 – off course you have !
Sorry it was a stupid question when I thought about it
Slightly outside the 50K ranking (51K atm) – but my bench pts have not been calculated yet, so expect to get even a bit higher than this…
Love it :dance: !
Evening HL
72 with Coleman still to go! Happy!
Evening B-Bash !
If there’s someone who has set the standards of a good GW & solid ranking around here – it sure is You, mate 😉 !!!
Keep the magic going, mate ! Feels good to be up-there, doesn’t it ? Bet the view is better from those heights
Struggle to work out my ranking! It causes sleepless nights mate! I enjoy it though because I love fpl. The banter on here is priceless! Very helpfull!
HL/Basher – Good stuff lads well done,i’m arsing around on 45 with just Coleman to play,beginning to think i made a balls of my WC,ah well.
NIN – I see u used ur 2 FT’s…
I’m guessing Negredo 4 Kun & Ozil 4 ___ ?!?
HL – It’s a -4 unfortunately,got Navas&Aguero.
NIN – got Aguero 4 Ade myself…
2nd transfer was Wilshere 4 Ozil…no hit !
A. Cole is doing wonders 4 me even when not playing, mate
Gabbidon will come in 4 him and get me 7pts , haha…
Though, now when Ivan is back, will have to downgrade him…which could turn out well, I guess…cause I can then upgrade J. Rod anytime I need to…
Saying this – Gerrasd still stays a small “enigma” 4 me…not sure whether to hold on to him or switch 2 Cabaye/Lallana…dilemmas…
HL – Haha good stuff mate,i’m glad he worked out for you,i should have taken my own advice on board and got him too,sigh.Gerrard is a solid option,he’s been very consistent since Suarez returned
66 plus the Coleman plus 8 from J-Rod’s swansong (bit of a shame, but I had to move him on to make room for Aguero). Now WC’ing, glad I waited to do so as almost everyone I’m now trading had a good GW.
Boruc (Mannone)
Baines Sagna Whittaker (Chester, Clyne)
Silva, Ozil, Cazorla, Erikson (Mutch)
Sturridge Bony Suarez
1FT 0.8
Ozil – Cabaye?
Cabaye, yes, Ozil out? No
I think Ozil is overpriced. Hasn’t done much either what would you suggest ?
I say yes take Özil out, especially since you have Cazorla too. I’d downgrade to Cabaye then use the funds to upgrade, possibly upgrade Bony
Was thinking that. Bony has awesome fixtures so I think I’ll keep
A lot of talk about changing one’s formation with a WC. I would find it hard not too play 3 top striker in front since they score all so much? A 3-4-3 seems the way to go?
Kung-Fu, agreed. I used w/c last week and have the SAS which will (hopefully) see out the rest of the season! That said, you could easily play a five man midfield at the minute. Who do you have up top?
At the moment I have SAS as well. I want to put Rooney in instead of Sturidge but with his injuries and all I might stick with on fire Sturidge! I am thinking of having Silva-Hazard-Cabaye-YYT/Ozil and a 5th cheapie such as Januzaj or Huddlestone. Can’t really see any other midfielder scoring more than Rooney, Sturidge, Lukaku, Remy come end of season. So that’s the plan short term at least…I see you got yourslef quite a good teams as well! And solid back 3 provided Kolarov keeps his form!!
Pretty happy with my team, KungFu. Thinking of bringing Cabaye in for Wilshire but not sure on the lack of Arsenal firepower if I do that! I decided to go three solid defenders and two 3.9’s. Will see how it pans out. I like your midfield idea, you must have a decent amount in the bank to afford that?!
Yeah TV of 111.8 so I can afford 4 premium midfielders. But that might be at the expense of having Baines at the back. Will make that decision come next week but will probs do like you and have 3 solid and two 3.9s. Never wanted to splash that much for YYT but I might have too since he keeps on scoring…so much!!!