Fantasy Football 247 League Updates September
Hello everyone and welcome to the September round up of the FF247 leagues. So how did everyone do this month? Injuries were more common than a scouser in a car park and managers were dreading to be the first one to get the bullet, so lets see who managed to steer their teams through the mine field that is fantasy football and top our compliment of leagues. Any successful managers will be added to our Hall of Fame which is coming soon.
FF247 League
Top spot in this league has stayed with Tom Farmer, who was also top in August with his team ‘Blame It On Debuchy’. Tom had amassed 394 points up to the end of September and was sitting pretty in 6th overall in the world, keep up the good work Tom. (The pic above includes this weeks scores that include week 1 from October). 2nd spot goes to Gerrie Pistorius, with his team ‘Pick_And_Hope’ on 387pts, and that points haul took him to 27th in the world. A further 6pts back in 3rd with 381 is team ‘Societa Esportive77’ and owner Boblewo-Garutti Brasil, who has also stuck around in the top 5 for 2 months. 4th place goes to Jaye Williams with his team ‘FC Yayunomi’ on 379 pts. In 5th, a further 5pts back with 374,was Hammad Mudassar and his team ‘Fantastic 11’.
FF247 Manager Of The Month
Top spot for September goes to A Khan with his team ‘Disneyland’, he managed to achieve 190pts from only 3 gameweeks, this score had also propelled him to 44th in the FF247 league. Ivan Bosnjak with his team ‘Leafs FC’ pushed for top spot all the way but finished just 1pt behind to take 2nd place with 189pts. Konrad Wojtowicz and Richard Prowse came in with 187pts to tie for 3rd spec with their respective teams ‘Gooners FC’ and ‘Tinkerman United’. 5th place went to Richard Jagers team ‘Wolf Pack’ with 185pts.
FF247 Doubles League
The overall positions in this league are changing every gameweek and top spot at the end of September goes to Timmy + Cartman, alias our Colombian friend Mito + his sidekick Suarez, with their team ‘We Will Bite You’ and a respectable haul of 339pts, NZ Alex + Peaky Dave fought tooth and nail to reach 1st place but just failed finishing 2nd by 1pt on a total of 338. 3rd spot went to an unknown entity, Mr + Mrs Facepalm, with their team ‘No Hope Bob Hope’ who since the start of the season have been slowly picking up momentum to achieve 335pts. Last seasons champions Aditupem have dropped from 1st to 4th place with 330pts. In 5th spec are the up + coming FF247 article writers Calvin + Chins, they appear to have dropped off the pace a bit on 319pts with their team ‘Belly + Clyne’ but will probably blame it on their time writing superb articles rather than amassing points.
Well folks that’s it for September, so congratulations to everyone mentioned. Don’t forget there are only 3 gameweeks in October as we have another international break. Good luck to all for the next month, especially young Tom Farmer, keep the flag flying for FF247 with that high overall ranking.
Evening gents. I reckon Arsenal could tear Hull a new one next Saturday. Can anyone see a non kamikaze way of getting coverage in the following… or do I just stick with the players I’ve got?
Forster Elliot
Baines Taylor Wilson Duff Moore
DiMaria Sterling Fabregas Siggy Downing
Costa Aguero Zamora
2 FT and 1 mil in the bank.
to be honest mate, can’t fault that team, and couldn’t get any arsenal into it if i tried. welbeck (and wally who’s injured) is the only player considering for me, not paying 9 mil for ozil/cazorla/ramsey when you can get the likes of adm, fab and sterling etc….. could probably take a risk and get chamberlain in for downing, but I would probably leave it as it is. could get a 5.3 forward in with the extra mil, or beef up your defence, thats about it to be honest!!
sorry to be no help!!
Haha that is a help actually as I need not to tinker but am finding it impossible not to with 2 FTs! For possibly the first time in 5 years of playing FPL IT may well be best to lose out on a FT…. literally never though this would happen !!
Still worries me though what arsenal and Welbeck could do next gw though. I might just have to ride out the storm.
Cheers for feedback
Depends how much you really really want Arsenal coverage mate (which is basically Welbeck or forget it, imo). If so then Sterling is your man out. Maybe even on a sideways to Henderson. Mad as that sounds Hendo is silently and secretly becoming this seasons Ramsey. You heard it here first! 😉 Does that even work with Zamora out given budget? If so then I’d take a look if you feel Welbeck has a great chance of points, which I think he does.
Interesting…. Hendo is looking more and more assured and comfortable. That move certainly works out financially with still .8 in the bank I think. Also I could always reverse that move easy enough and only lose 0.1or 0.2 on buying back Sterling.
That sir, is very very good food for thought.
I wasn’t, but I am now, having said it, considering it. In order to fund Aguero. Makes sense now I’ve said it! Thanks!
Wahay! Everyone’s a winner! The more I think about the more I like it! This could be an inspired move. Now all I’ve got to do is agonise over it for the next 11 days. Cheers Init
Indeed. Henderson is involved in almost all of Pool’s attacking play. He is certainly worth the 6.0 that he’s listed as.
I remember this same convo on Hendo last season. He then proceeded to do nothing after a big week. I believe you just have to be aware of where they play him. If he sits next to Gerrard I wouldn’t bother, but this weekend it looked like Coutinho was sitting deep allowing Hendo to get forward.
Doesn’t matter where he starts. He’s box to box, his energy is infectious. Where’s NIN. I need to buy a bandwagon
Just like Naismith…
Did someone say bandwagon?
How much NIN?! Surely you’ve got a few discarded ones in the back there? 😉
That’s depends mate. I’ve got a few lying around around the place, no doubt. At the moment i’m looking at an old relic of a wagon. Goes by the name of Chamkh, which, “so the label tells me” used to rhyme with Messi, and funnily enough, sucker. I’m sure Hendo is in here somewhere… one sec
Any takers? Brand new, old dusty Chamakh for anyone? No?? Anyone????? It’s not a scam i swear. Sigh. £3.9m?
Tough crowd tonight :shake:
Like I said on saturday. 70% of the Earth is covered by water, the rest is covered by Henderson. So really, does it matter where on the field he is placed?
Can’t see a way to get an attacking Arsenal player in your side that you would want to keep long-term. I think Debuchy is going to be good value if/when he comes back into the side, but that’s a long way off…
I would upgrade Zamora tbh – he may be the last guy on your bench but its always good to have a bench full of guys who play 90 minutes for their team every week. Naismith or Fletcher would be my recommendations – would provide you the flexibility to rotate Downing with your third striker based on fixtures.
Good luck!
The only long-term Arsenal player would be Walcott. Of course he’s have to get eased back into the game and we’d have to wait a few GW’s before we bring him in.
Cheers mate. All good options, not normally a rotation fan but then I also don’t normally do as well as I would like so maybe there’s something in that!
Whats everyone’s thoughts on Stewart Downing? I am looking to bring him and Chadli in for Dyer and Schneiderlin. One of them would be my forth mid (joining Di Maria, Fabregas and Sigurdsson) and the other would sit on the bench (along with Myhill, Clyne/Bertrand and Vlaar).
Hi guys. Need opinions on a move I’m thinking of doing. Photos below.
What do you think? Too risky?
Sterling to Hendo and Ulloa to Welbeck seems to be the ‘in thing’ tonight 😉
Do you think hendo will do it though? I think sterling is nearly a must with Sturridge returning.
Plus, I can downgrade Ivan to az and I haven’t been using king at all so a downgraded sub wouldn’t be all that bad I don’t think.
hi guys
Who are some of the best defenders to get because i am not doing well
Who do you have atm?
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i have Ivanovic, Clyne, Williams, Kolarov and Cissokho
Everyone is raging about Ivanovic > baines. I personally think a chelsea defender is a must so I am doing Ivan > azpilliqueta to free up cash.