Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 38
Welcome to Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 38. We had it off big time. We ******* had it off. We planned (ish), we hoped (a lot), we got lucky (extremely). But we’ll take it – it’s been a long season, there have been ups and downs, but it sure feels good to report a DGW score of 193. We played our Bench Boost of course, but given that Gabbiadini and Holgate scored just a single point between them, it makes the contributions from elsewhere even more special. Of course many of you will have returned similarly impressive scores, so we won’t go on too much. However it would be wrong not to recognise another Alexis DGW masterclass, 20pts from Azpi, 19pts from Jesus and of course Thursday’s evening’s finale from Spurs which saw our Spurs pair of Kane and Son return 50pts. We are now sat in 13,608th place, a season’s best and we’d love one more week of green arrows to record a top 10k finish. Here are the details of our final transfer and our GW38 Captain…
The FF247 Team for GW38…
Our Transfer – Manolo Gabbiadini OUT, Sam Vokes IN
Hardly the glamour transfer we imagined we would end the season on but our options were somewhat limited. Gabbiadini trolled us in the DGW, missing the first game and then missing a penalty in the second to finish on a grand total of zero points. And we don’t think he will start this one. We may as well have bought Anichebe and that just about sums up that particular debacle…
And so in comes the in form Vokes. Speaking of trolls, within our budget it was either him or Benteke. We’ve gone with the one with a home game and he also has 3 goals in his last 2 games. Plus West Ham seem to have given up the ghost if last weeks result is anything to by. Plus he may or may not be on pens. That one depends on who else is on the pitch at the time it seems. We spent 20 minutes of our lives discussing and researching that particular topic!
We couldn’t leave it there really without discussing Hazard. His potential minutes this weekend have been a hot topic this week given that he played the full game on Monday. We have no idea whether he will start is the short answer on that. Had we not had any other issues we would have probably sold him for Coutinho this week. We still could have of course but then it would have been for a hit which seemed to be stretching it a bit.
Our Captain is Harry Kane, our Vice Captain is Jesus
This was a fairly unanimous vote. Even though two of the committee are devout anti-Kane disciples, one of them still voted for him. Spurs seem intent on seeing the season out in style and we saw what they are capable of with the shackles off the other night. Four may be stretching it but would anyone be at all surprised to see him hit another hat-trick here?
Thanks for reading Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 38
The Fixture Tracker…
Hi All – So final day is here and I am at breakfast in Thailand. So is Kane the odds on Captain with the leaders?
I cannot decide if I should do
Alli to Eriksen
Pedro to Fabrigas
or bring in Matip for my final FT?
Hey colonial, nice place to be on the final game day! I’m considering Matip as well. His goal attempts are second only to Alonso recently. Would mean playing 4 at the back if any of my front 7 don’t start, but I’m hopeful they will will. Eriksen could be a good call, but sort of a wasted move if Alli starts too. Same goes for Pedro and Fab, and who knows what Conte will do?? Best of luck whatever you decide, and congrats on a fantastic season.
There’s a good chance that this will be my last post this season. I will try and get on tomorrow but given the itinerary presented by the powers that be (the Mrs!) I’m not so sure!
Either way I just wanted to say a huge thanks to the FF247 community. Whether you post regularly, infrequently or just read it – it’s much appreciated. Massively appreciated in fact, without the community we would not exist. And what a great bunch of people too. My own daily involvement has been curtailed this season somewhat by work commitments. I’m limited to early morning or late at night posts.
Init, thanks for all you do to provide this wonderful platform for us all to neglect our children/spouse/girlfriend/work/life in favor of FPL! You are a legend!
innit my buddy you have always been here for us when u should have been taking care of your personal stuff so for that I will always cherish what you do for us here. You have helped me a lot lately. From your Belizean friend Eagle.
She who must be obeyed must . . . . be obeyed. I hear you.
Good luck on your final day mate. Hope you pull those huge points in whilst you are shopping/decorating/cleaning the car/cutting the grass*
*delete as appropriate
Morning Innit,thanks to you,Cookie,all the other writers,contributors and dedicated people that work behind the scenes that give everybody this great place.It really is appreciated !!! Hope you all enjoy your summer off !!
Chasing 6 points lead,opponent has Coutinho while I have Kane and Jesus. Think he will get Kane which will be for -4 atleast so what should I do with my FT? Get Vokes in for Gabbi or do Hazard to Coutinho? (He has hazard too!)
Snookie, if he doesn’t have Alli then one option is to do him to Coutinho. Then you have him covered and he took a -4. Then you just need to gain 3 points on him elsewhere.
The other option is Gabbi to Vokes/Llorente and hope they outscore Coutinho.
Unfortunately he has Ali, hope he removes Vardy to get Kane so that makes a differential gone and one less player with Gabbi not starting
Will have to go with Vokes :/
Thanks to everyone on here it’s been a rollercoaster season. Not sure what to do here I have one free transfer with 0.8 in the bank so can’t do Pedro to Coutinho. I’m a bit scared of taking out Hazard. So either Pedro to Lallana or Alli to Coutinho
Relax Smash i have taken out Hazard to Coutinho just like many others so just take it easy bud. But Alli to Coutinho if you dont want to lose Hazard
Thanks Eagle. It’s tough not really comfortable with anything I can think of
My team and ml opponents team (from last week). He has 1 ft nothing itb. So he can’t afford Kane, therefor I’m making him captain. I’m 11 points behind him. My transfers are made, ward-prowse out and wijnaldum in. Should I make any substitutions?
If I was him I’d capt Ozil so i would say go with Kane
I like the look of yours matey!
Nice little sneaky transfer there which could be a masterstroke given today’s final fixture. He’s a decent player is Wijnaldum. Best captain pick you can get today also i think.
Best of luck.
Have a 6pt mini league lead, I have Kane but he cannot without a hit, both have Sanchez, want to capt Kane but should I capt Sanchez to block?
I think Kane could well get another 2 or 3 today and you are the leader, albeit not by much, but I think you would kick yourself if you went against Kane and your opponent didn’t.
Very difficult to second guess everyone’s moves.
Cheers GP, Kane it is! Hope you Have a great last gameweek
That makes it hard to ditch Alli GP.