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Fantasy Football Fixtures Gameweek 9

Fantasy Football Fixtures Gameweek 9

Fantasy Football Fixtures Gameweek GW9

We figured this International Break may be an apt time to interject with a bit of a fixtures analysis article, all things considered. There are now only 8 PL game-weeks until the World Cup and then we will effectively have a 6 week break. We shall come on to the exact timings below and we will look at your Wildcard options and then have a quick dip into which teams have the best / worst / most convulated schedules ahead, as this short period is not all just about the PL, as you are about to find out…

But first up that all important Fixture Tracker itself…

This is the Fixture Tracker as it looks with just the PL games on it. We shall poo-poo this very shortly…



Fixture congestion, much?
Poo-poo away! These 8 GW’s span just a smidgen over 6 actual weeks, which isn’t really that extraordinary. What normally doesn’t happen though is that the CL / Europa / Europa Nonsense League have decided to shoe-horn in 4 games and then the EFL Cup have piped up too with a midwewek schedule of their own. The only surprise is that the FA haven’t tried to bring forward the 3rd round of their cup, just for the sh*ts & giggles.

So what it all means is that some clubs are now facing 13 games in about 43 days, or a game every 3.3 days. We have 7 PL teams with some some sort of European involvement, and 19 who are still in the EFL Cup. Fulham are the ones without either.

For contrast and context we shall offer up Liverpool and Fulham themselves. There is quite a difference, and it is the most extreme, but Arsenal (7 PL plus an extra Eurpean game), Chelsea, Man Utd, Spurs and West Ham also have a 13 game schedule as per Liverpool. Man City have 12, the rest have just 9 games (8 PL plus an EFL Cup game).

13 games in 43 days
8 PL games
4 CL games
1 EFP Cup game
Game dates – 1st, 4th, 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 22nd, 26th, 29th (Oct), 1st, 6th, 9th, 12th (Nov)

As for their PL fixtures themselves it is a mixed bunch. Brighton at home would usually be a plum game but given the form of both who knows! After that it is a real test of whether they still have the old desire or ability as they go to Arsenal and then host Man City. The 3 beyond that look ok but it is it too early to judge those just yet as it could go either way for Liverpool here.

8 games in 44 days
8 PL games
Game dates – 1st, 9th, 15th, 20th, 23rd, 29th (Oct), 5th, 13th (Nov)

As well as having the least amount of games Fulham also have a pretty kind run of games that they have plenty of time to rest and prep for! It won’t be easy but it is at least a sea of yellow up until GW15 with the likes of Bournemouth, Villa, Leeds and Everton all looking like Mitro-type victims in waiting with Newcastle and West Ham looking like the most challenging games to begin with.

And so the Fixture Tracker in real terms…

Wildcard Options
Let’s begin by clearing up a few wildcard misnomers. We have seen a fair bit of confusion on the boards about the whys and weherfores of the two available wildcards. It really shouldn’t be that difficult as it is clearly explained in the rules on the FPL Site but just to be clear here we have two of these bad boys;

One MUST be used before Sat 12th Nov at 11am, aka GW16. Use it or lose it, basically.

The 2nd is available after 1.30pm on Mon 26th Dec, and can be used anytime up until GW38.

Blank GW12
Man City and Arsenal both pose us a problem as they blank in GW12. It is a problem as many will have a good few from each team and so could have as much as 6 players not featuring in GW12. You could gradually ease a few out in the lead up or alternatively you could WC ahead of it, but what if you still want them after it…

Let’s take a look at how both fare –

Arsenal – TOT, LIV, lee, BLANK, sou, NFO, che, wol
With Spurs and Liverpool on the immediate agenda you could easily argue that exiting Arsenal assests wouldn’t be that much of a hardship. After the blank GW though their fixtures pick up again and you’ll probably want back in by then. Tough one.

Man City – MUN, SOU, liv, BLANK, BHA, lei, FUL, BRE
For Man City balance read Arsenal. Same difference really with a couple of difficult games prior to the ‘blank’ and then an even more terrific exit from it.

The best / worst of the rest…
As for the rest it’s pretty much a muchness, as most of them could quite easily beat each other on any given day.

From the ‘key’ teams we would pick Chelsea as possibly having the best run with cry, LEE, avl, bre and bha in 5 of the next 6 but the tail end of that, pre-WC, looks more challenging with MUN, ARS & new on that particular horizon.

Spurs may be ok to follow too with ars (usually high scoring), bha & EVE (both could be ok), followed by potentially tougher clashes with mun & NEW.

We did look at Leicester as potential fodder to chase but even they don’t offer up much in terms of opposition with NFO, bou, CRY, LEE & wol in the next 5. Man City is the 6th though, Guess who your Captain will be that day…..

Thanks for readingFantasy Football Fixtures Gameweek 9 . This article was written by Inittowinit.


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  1. 7
    hammerfan_lm says:

    ITB: 2.3m
    What would you do here?
    I am concious of the fact I would have 5 not playing gw12, but do have WC still yet to play.

  2. 8
    SAFs_hairdryer says:

    A bit late getting around to reading this but thanks for the article. Having no FPL and avoiding watching England has been a nice refresher

    • 8.1
      inittowinit says:

      Thank you SAFs. And yes indeed, I think we all needed a quick breather after that whirlwind start, especially for those playing other ones too such as CL. Although it’s about to come down like a torrent again prior to the WC!

  3. 9
    inittowinit says:

    If anyone sees a decent World Cup game that they think we can all play just post it up please. I’ve seen a couple so far but nothing I would hang my hat on.

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