Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 7
Welcome to Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 7. Your last chance for some FPL points before we go off again on another pointless international break and all your star players get to globe trot like carbon emissions are a thing of the past. GW7 spans just Saturday and Sunday this time and we begin with Spurs on the road (that’s good Spurs then) as they go to Huddersfield at lunchtime. We then have five 3pm kick-offs. None of which look particularly exciting if we are being totally honest! Man United hosting Palace may be for those who captained Lukaku, but then again who didn’t! Hence the lack of excitement…
The best game on Saturday (in theory) is being kept back until the evening and sees the current champs Chelsea host the probable next ones Man City. Or so it seems. You could probably have said the same this time last season. And been proven very wrong. Which makes it just the more intriguing this time.
Sunday is a veritable feast, at least compared to last week! Arsenal host Brighton in the early game, Koeman will hope that Niasse can keep him in a job a week longer in the 2.15pm one and then we round the week off with Liverpool going to Newcastle and the TV companies flogging the possibility of another 4-3 classic. Monkeys and typewriters and all that…
Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place.
Good luck to absolutely everyone for GW7 from all at FF247!
Thanks for reading Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 6
The League Codes for FF247 for the 2017/18 season are as follows:
Gameweek Tracker GW7-11

Dinnery reports that Morata has withdrawn from the Spain squad with a grade two myofascial injury. Didn’t say anything about how long he expects him to be out, but a quick google search revealed that a grade 2 tear is usually 2-8 weeks.
makes the case stronger for Bashuayi then?
I think Vardy offers more value at that price range.
Yes, he does..But have him already. If Morata is out for some while and Bats gets some gametime, strengthening the def might be a bit easy
Already feels like a transfer out waiting to happen that one. And you haven’t even bought him yet
He did follow up with this just to confuse matters though!
Did hear myself that Morata pulled himself off at the first twinge to avoid actual injury.
Wild Card worthy squad?
Stick the current one up too if you can B?
Initial thoughts are that I’d be getting a big 3rd striker if I was to WC now.
Have anything itb?
If anyone has any questions for the next Grab, Avoid or Bore Off article that they would like including please feel free to post them. Serious ones about FPL are fine but any odd ones are always welcome! Your panel on that one will be Bry, Banjo and Smash. TIA.
Hey Initt, here’s my try-
1. Is 4-3-3 the way to go ?
2. What about Hazard, even if Morata is OK?
3. Three best City players with gametime and form/fixtures into consideration?
4. 3 Spurs still necessary(I mean Kane, Erik/Alli, Davies)?
5. Ideal budget for an Ideal Defensive line-up and who?
6. Best budget Midfielder.
7. Best front three?
Also, outside the GABoff, when is Potty going to be back? Miss his competitions(mostly T-shirts)
Cheers mate, I’ll wangle a good few of those in.
Might resurrect the Potty comp at some point. It’s something I keep meaning to do. Just doesn’t feel the same without Potty actually being around to comment on it.
West Ham – turn round in fixtures, clean sheets, Reid,Lanzini & Sicknote available at -0.x cost
Cheers Tiger
1 Hazard and Sanchez or Morata and Laca when all are fully fit? Or any combination of both teams, which one would/should prefer?
2 Richarlison, GroB or Doucoure or anyone else in that range as 3rd/4th mid
not sure I have a Wild Card problem with my B team.
I was doing it late night, maybe around 2am Sat
My transfer history now shows 10 transfers gw8, wildcard is showing still available with 0 FT but I try another transfer it only asks -4 hit or play wildcard.
Is it just not bothering to tell me I will actually be taking a -44 point hit if I don’t activate the wildcard?
Just hit the WC button again. Mustn’t have taken first time. You don’t get 2 this side of GW19 so no harm in doing so.
Afternoon all.
Worth a wc or use 2 transfers over international break?
Shane, not WC worthy at all. Can sort Rod and Ritchie and you are done
Thinking of taking a -4 for this. Any thoughts?
Maybe just silva for now?
Gavy, You already have a decent def lineup..No need for a -4 imo..Keep a check on Morata situation and take the decision after that.Who are you replacing Silva with?
Mkhitar. I have no city cover and they have a nice run coming up.
i wouldn’t take him out. Had you been on a WC, the picture would’ve been diff. Fab to Silva, straight swap
And Stones for? Can you do Silva without Stones?
I have 1.6 itb could do either one on their own. Can do fab too silva
I think Stones is overkill then. You already have 3 defenders there with decent home games this week. Get Silva for sure.