Who are you? Who are you? Fantasy manager profiles Part 11
Here at FF247 towers we’ve often wondered what driving forces hide behind a comment or a rate my team reply, do we really know the mindset and the persona of the people we are conversing with?! To find the answers to these questions we have lured some regulars from out of their caves and got them to endure a simple Q & A session.
Hopefully this will help us to uncover whether each member can be viewed as a ‘fellow sports enthusiast’, ‘colleague’, ‘fantasy friend’, ‘internet troll’ or indeed ‘sociopath’! Let’s take a look inside the minds of our latest two ‘victims’ then and see whether, hiding behind the cute monkey gravatars, lurks a sadistic, megalomaniacal, psychotic keyboard warrior. Or just a normal guy or gal who likes to play fantasy football…
We will add a disclaimer here – we have resolved to not edit what is sent in at all. What you see is what you (we) get. All FPL rankings were correct at the time of writing too but may be far worse now! Or better.
Next up to the examination table are Demsie and Mitro .
Members name:…… Demsie
Real name:……Daddy
Occupation:…….IT Account Manager (currently recruiting new customers to all you IT Managers out there !)
Age:………..32, maybe 33, I’m never quite sure any more. Born in 82 if that helps
Country of residence:…… Angleterre
Best finish in The Barclays Premier League Fantasy Football game:……..92,220 (would have been 20k higher but decided a -24 for the last GW would enhance my enjoyment of the week. It didn’t)
Current position for the season………. 181,143
Planned finish (at the start of the season)for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015:……top 40k
Expected finish for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015:……top 41k
Tell us about yourself in less than 50 words:…… I like to cook and then eat it, and drink.. and then drink it.
Food:….. I’m a man of many tastes but I do love a good curry
Drink:….. All types of fizzy wine Prosecco / cava / champagne, or the flat stuff -White, lager in a bottle – never a can, vodka sometimes on a rainy Tuesday morning, tequila definitely, a touch of sherry perhaps at Christmas.. Absynth on occasion.. Wait there, you did mean alcohol.. right ?
Band/Type of music:…..Hip Hop, Reggae and all types of electronic dance music. I’m a DJ in what little time I have to myself !
TV Programme:…… Sport, any sport, and I must admit I do like the Great British Bake off & Masterchef
Films:……Not really my thing any more…. But Wolf of Wolf Street was amazing. The Dark Knight too and the 3rd one… Withnail and I and Top Gun!
Book/Author:…… Although not a fan of the fantasy genre per se – Game of Thrones.. I really do love that stuff
Joke………….Why are Pirates called Pirates… ? Because they Aaaaarrgggghhhh
Country visited (and state why!):…… Cuba.. Honeymoon (because it’s bloody awesome) but Greece was my favourite.. The food was just so god damn good everywhere I went…. and the Mythos. Mythos… Is that the best beer ever ?
Country would most like to visit (and state why!)………Too many to state. India maybe cos of the food, Italy – food. In fact anywhere where they do food really. Good food. Maybe I’ll just go back to Crete thinking about it.
Sporting Team:…….Liverpool FC
Sporting moment on TV:……2005 CL Final.. Oh my god that was awesome. Nothing’s ever come close to that
Sporting moment witnessed live:…….2005 Semi Final v Chelsea at Anfield. That “You’ll never Walk Alone” at the end still send shivers down my spine http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xso4za_ynwa-champions-league-semi-final-vs-chelsea-2005_sport
Do you have any personal sporting achievements you’d like to boast about………… I’m pretty good at tennis if that counts ?
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would u have at a dinner party:……Jamie Oliver to cook and Atomic Kitten to serve. Jeeves to clean & tidy and Tommy Cooper can sit to eat with me and make me laugh.
Which 3 items would u take to a desert island (no humans allowed!):……. My decks, my music collection and a massive big sound system. (this is assuming that good food is already provided)
If you won £100 000 what would u do with it:………Go on a big holiday, give (a small bit) to charity and pay off my mortgage
The perfect afternoon would be spent:……..In the garden, sun shining, my wife, my daughter, slight breeze, cold beer, a BBQ, a few chosen friends, not too hot – maybe 22 degrees, decks are out and system is playing good tunes.. a few choice friends, laughs, comfortable seats… you get the picture
My Epitaph would read:…….Loving Father, Devoted Husband and general all round Good Egg
Members name: Mitro
Real name: Kieran Mitrovic
Occupation: Civil Engineer
Age: 32
Country of residence: England
Best finish in The Barclays Premier League Fantasy Football game: 3994
Current position for the season 5261
Planned finish (at the start of the season)for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015:No. 1
Expected finish for the BPL FF game in 2014/2015: Top 1K
Tell us about yourself in less than 50 words: energetic, sometimes erratic 32 year old with an unhealthy obsession for my missus, son, Arsenal FC, Football, Fantasy football, Gym & my Job
Food: Mexican or a nandos
Drink: Blue Moon Beer when I’m out & Coffee in the day
Band/Type of music: The Killers – seen them live 7 times and had a few drinks with them backstage at the Manchester Academy 2005
TV Programme: Game of Thrones, The Originals (the missus makes me watch it J), Walking Dead & The Vikings
Films: Aliens, Inception, Heat & the Nolan batman trilogy
Book/Author: Robert Jordan (Wheel of Time)
Joke.- All mine are rude
Country visited (and state why!): Australia – beautiful County with so much to do
Country would most like to visit (and state why!) Canada – from what I’ve heard and saw it looks amazing – one day i will get out there with work
Sport: Football & Tennis
Sporting Team: Arsenal
Sporting Personality: Ian Wright (met him at John Hartson’s Charity Event where I was smashed – ended up trying to kiss him telling him how much i loved him)
Sporting moment on TV: Man City winning the league with Aguero scoring the winner in the dying seconds or Liverpool’s come back against AC Milan.
Sporting moment witnessed live: When we went to the Bridge and won 5-3
Sporting venue you’d most like to visit: The Bernabeu
Do you have any personal sporting achievements you’d like to boast about. I use to run the 100m in 11.14 seconds
Your celebrity look-alike is/are. Mark Strong
Which 6 celebrities dead or alive would u have at a dinner party: Dennis Bergkamp, Herbert Chapman, Arsene Wenger, Thierry Henry, Ian Wright & Rafa Nadal
Which 3 items would u take to a desert island (no humans allowed!): Satellite Phone, Sky Sports & the Internet.
If you won £100 000 what would u do with it: Pay off the mortgage, put some away for Lucas’s University fees & invest the rest in a holiday home
The perfect afternoon would be spent: with the old man down at the Tolly getting ready to head to the emirates to see the Arsenal tear it up.
My Epitaph would read: it was fun while it lasted
Many thanks to both Demsie and Mitro for being so candid! We hope you know your two fellow ‘fantasy friends’ a little better now.
If you feel that you would like to expose your inner self then please feel free to mail us at contact@fantasyfootball247.co.uk and we shall have peakydave interrogate you! If you have already submitted one, which many have, we are publishing them in the order received and hopefully yours will be along soon.
Who would you guys bring in ?
Jones or Bertrand
Morning Jeet MU have easier games but just don’t seem to be able to keep clean shts although not many teams are so I would go with Bertrand more potential for points
Plus he will increase in value, never a negative…
Morning all, thanks to Demsie and a intro, great read lads and thanks to Peaky once again for organising.
Don’t get GOT myself, but then I never got Dungeons and Dragons either.
Morning Cookie,
So that’s you, Init & myself in the don’t get game of thrones club
Morning Kop (!), yeah it’s not my thing at all. Very popular though, to be fair, so I’m probably dragging you and Init into the “Old Man’s Club”!!
As you’ve surely realised by now, I don’t need any help!!
Morning all and a Happy New Year!
Cookie, Init, Kop… I’m also available to join, don’t get nothing of that Game of the Thrones stuff either! Just don’t want to be dragged into that Old Man’s Club yet!
Happy New Albertini, it’s a very privileged club, you’d be most welcome. When you’re ready!!
Thanks mate! To be honest I’m sure I meet every requirement to join both!
Happy New Year Albertini, the more the merrier
Can i join ?
Of course Elle, it’s no great surprise that you want to join 😉
Kop, are you insinuating i’m old ? :shake:
How you senile old farts acually seen the show, or have you been too busy searching for the remote? :big-lol:
I’ve seen enough to know I don’t want to see anymore!
Is it american ?if it is nuff said.
Is this more to your liking elle?
Why Tekno. I didn’t know you had any sense of humor in you. 😉 You or the Jap people for that matter. :dance:
I love how everybody is trying to hide from him. Anyway, just liked the first few minutes. The last few sucked.
You’ve disappointed me. Although Game of Thrones is one of those shows you have to watch every episode or you will just be lost, and I imagine you guys cant really find the time to regularly watch a show with your busy lives.
Think I’ve watch season 1-3 Burnsy. About it being American is BS. It’s one of the better American series. IT’s a fantasy series, which is an acquired taste. Not everybody likes that genre. So you can’t really burn off people because they don’t like it.
Same with the Japanese people. I showed some hardgay clips, they have an odd (sickish) sense of humor at times. That’s a cultural thing though. Though I like anime I think my world and that of the Japanese culture couldn’t be further apart. Anyway off. Got me some fish from the market. Delicious. Ja ne.
Ooho btw, SEason 4 ended yet? Is it good? I’ll set it on queue.
Ps. aren’t the books better than the series? They usually are. this one is really good though
Burnsy, that’s a pretty daft post! Yes I have a busy life but that hasn’t stop me watching a number of TV series’ which I’ve have thoroughly enjoyed.
Raz, I completely agree with you mate. I’ve never enjoyed the fantasy genre, hence the fact that I’m not a game of thrones fan.
Raz, I absolutely suggest you read the books. I’ve read all books and watched all seasons; the books are much better for me. That’s especially because a lot are cut out of the show, so the books are much more detailed.
To be fair Kop, it’s not really got much fantasy in it at all, it’s more like a political drama in a medieval setting with Dragons, but each to their own I guess.
When it comes to political dramas The West Wing is more my cup of tea
but as you said, to each their own.
If this is american its obviously crap aswell, and thats without watching it.
Nah, it’s Japanese. Very different from American ^^
Morning all. Still debating who to bring in for Yaya and Bony. Already have Sanchez, Silva, Hazard, Kane and Austin.
I think it is between:
Chadli/Eriksen and Costa
Fab and DIngs/any attacker under 9.9m
Anyone else worth consideration? Mata perhaps?
Chadli and Falcao are my suggestions AT.
Not think Costa just for the next two weeks? Not very convinced with Falcao yet.
Hey people. hope you all had a great Christmas and a belated happy new year. I think i’m just about over selling Kane for Ayoze just before the last game week. Didnt see that one coming! Never mind, just the joys and frustrations that make the game so addictive! Anyway, was wondering what you lovely lot thought of my potential wildcard squad……
Green Hamer
Hutton Oshea Wisdom Collocini Chester
Siggy Silva Sanchez Hazard Chadli
Rooney Costa Zamora
Will shift Rooney for Sergio when he is back.
MR D, good morning. This may grate with you but I’d get Kane for Zamora and then d’grade Chadli.
Morning Cookie. Good shout….Boyd, wanyama or zaha could work as a downgrade on chadli.
Or Ward-Prowse…..
I considered him but checked his history and he went a long time with no game action….but has been on it recently. Decisions!
He was injured all season until recently Mr D – I’d grab him over Wanyama or Zaha. Very highly thought of, very creative and is on some set pieces.
Didnt realise the injury situation. Thanks pal, seems like a good move.
I think he or Boyd are excellent options for the 5th mid MrD.
Hello everyone, hope you all having a good weekend ?
Here in sweden its windy as hell, so im sitting here tinkering with a wc team .
Need som advice .
Change Falcao to Austin to get cash to upgrade Boyd to Mata?
Skipping Jones and maybe gettin Taylor or someone else?
And then theres the keeper good as it is? was thinking myabe DDG and a cheap golie
Anyway tips are always welcome
Hello in Sweden from Australia. Hot as hell here this weekend.
I’m holding my WC until I know when Aguero is back and also the likely hood of a double GW.
If you missed the Austin bandwagon I wouldn’t be jumping on now, like most cheap strikers this season they burn bright and fade quickly.
Thank you, i would love some wamth here

Well i have had Austin in my team for quite some time, was thinking that Falcao is showing some form and ManU have a better offence.
But i will swap Falcao or Costa for Kun once his fit
Might be more points going with Fab and Kun over Costa and Sanchez
I think ill stick with Falcao a couple of gws and see
Hey all. Do u think it’s worth swapping Downing for chadli? But already have Kane?
Sideways trade, can’t see it worth it.