FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW5
Another green arrow and we’re into the top 100k for the first time this season. 96,136 to be more precise. We finished GW4 with 55pts which was 11 above the average. Once again it was our defence who led the way. Patricio had a clean sheet. Mendy & Robertson both chipped in with assists. While Alonso picked up a clean sheet, an assist and a bonus point. Elsewhere our capo, Kun, weighed in with an assist, Firmino got us a goal, while our new signing Lucas Moura picked up an assist. The rest all flopped, essentially!
Last Week’s Result
What have we done this week?
Possibly lost our marbles?! Possibly not, but time will tell on this one. We had 1 free transfer and £0.9m in the bank. And in all honesty a fair few avenues we could have gone down and a fair few issues we could have dealt with….
We’ve got Stephens and Cairney as our 4th and 5th mids.
We’ve got Mkhitaryan who no longer looks nailed on.
We’ve got Moura with (the) Son looming in his background.
And we’ve got King who we are getting disgruntled with, a feeling his many owners will probably empathize with!
And we’ve got Tomkins and Hamer both possibly injured.
So you know, just less than half the squad with some sort of issue hanging over them………
And so what did our esteemed committee vote to do? Sell Firmino!!!!!!
Why……. you may well ask. Well, I asked, and this is what I got back, verbatim –
“Because we wouldn’t sell him before the Southampton game!” (GW6)
“Our logic gets better by the week!”
“Sturridge will play GW6”
“Everyone seems to think Klopp will make changes for it”
“I don’t see it”
So yeah, erm, yeah! Don’t worry, I’m still none the wiser either. Oh and by the way, the incoming player is Vardy. That one I do understand at least!
One late addition probably went the most way towards explaining it though – “Klopp rotation over the next 6 weeks plus 4 tough fixtures in the next 6. Leicester’s fixtures are better and they won’t rotate”. That one probably nails it best, plus the small gain of £0.6m actually helps a lot towards fixing one or more of our other issues as noted above in the coming weeks.
So to confirm we have – SOLD FIRMINO, BOUGHT VARDY
The Team In Full…
This one was much less murky and certainly doesn’t need anywhere near as much explanation. None, in fact. Our new boy Vardy will carry the vice, as we are sure he does often in life, just in case Pep does a Pep on us all.
You can follow the site teams progress all season by clicking here
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Hey guys,
On my WC and have got this team. What do you think?
Other thoughts are Hennessey or McCarthy? Maddison or Moura / Richarlison?
I have 0.7m spare.
Looks fine and dandy as it is beno.
Thank you Sir!
Evening fellas,
WC active, what changes would you suggest for my team?
Hi Veer, I wouldn’t be including Mikhi on a WC team right now. Rest looks grand.
Like Init said, wouldn’t go with Miki especially if you already own Auba! Rest looks fine, you’re gonna play 4 3 3 or 3 4 3?
Evening people. Did we all survive the break? What, if anything, should I be doing here?
1) Mkhi to Dilva
2) Salah & Jimenez to Mane & Vardy (-4)
3) Roll the FT
4) Anything else??
I’ve got 1 FT and 1.4 ITB.
Team might help!
Depends on Jimenez here if he’s ok I’d be happy to save the transfer
And if he’s not?! Not a big fan of losing Salah, but Mane & Vardy is appealing! And I’ve taken a hit every other week, so why not 😉
Probably Wilson or Deeney
No love for Salah & Jimenez to Mane & Vardy then?? Wilson or Deeney just feels like another transfer waiting to happen.
Anyway, how are you mate? You’ve not changed your team link btw, unless you’ve emigrated to India and adopted a local name. But nothing would surprise me with you!
What’s not sustainable, hitting every week?? It’s paid off so far!!
I’m aspiring to be the new Mitro. I’m good thanks mate. Took the wife to Wembley for the first time last weekend. It’s not as fun as going with the lads is it. Still, when I can get away with that as her birthday present I know I’ve done ok.
I guess my conundrum here comes down to Salah, Dilva & Jimenez vs Mane, Mkhi & Vardy. Wish I knew whether Jimenez was fit.
I think I’ve updated the team link??
If Jiminez is fit i’m liking the Mikki to Dilva move myself Banjo.Wish i had the cash to do that move !
Cheers Brooky. You’d make that move this week too? If Mkhi starts he could score big this week!
There lies the problem though.If he starts ! With Laca impressing last week who would drop out to accommodate Mikki ?
Mkhi to Dilva imo
Jimenez —> Ings 😉
Pipe down Zed
Hello guys this is my team and I have 2ft and 2.0 itb
My original plan was Luis out for Alonso.
I would really appreciate your view on my team.
I like your team, you got some differentials like janmaat, siggy or even Dilva! I personally would play Doherty over Janmaat but not much in it!
Thanks mate.
I think I will play Doherty
And yes I think the Alonso move is a good one!
Luiz to Alonso makes sense. I’d play Doherty. Siggy is difficult maybe give him this week I don’t think he’s been performing
Thanks mate I am giving Siggy 1 or 2 more gw. I agree with you he has not been prefoming.
Yep, Luiz to Alonso is probably the move I’d make here too! And I’d save the other transfer so you can look at making a double switch next week!
Thanks mate.
Hi jon, very decent situation there with the 2FT and 2mil. I’d crack on with your Alonso plan while you can. What does that leave ITB for you after that? Jimenez and Neves would be the next ones in my crosshairs.
Oh and I agree with Magpies on the bench switch too.
It is 0.7 left.
I been thinking Neves out but Ì dont have cash for anything I like
Do the one this one and then next you could do Siggy to Richarlison which should leave you in about the 6.5 bracket for the Neves replacement?
Thanks mate. I been really disappointing with Siggy this season but I am not sure about Richarlison. He started last season well but that did not last long.
He was burnt out from playing 18 months straight. Silva leaving was probably the straw that broke it for him. I’m expecting him to maintain it more this time. His Brazil performance will only do him wonders and spur him on. Mentally that’s a much different place to be in than where he was a year ago.
I agree with Init here! Great to see him score and get a pen for Brazil! Richarlison seems to be a classic example of a confidence player who can be a bit hot-headed at times. If used correctly, and I think Silva can manage him well, the hot-headedness can be turned into a positive force! He’s also a year older now, and has more experience! He could be a diamond this season and I’m definitely looking to get him in sooner rather than later!
That’s really good point you are making there mate. I didn’t know about the 18 months. So he’s on my radar then. Siggy to Richarlison next gw. Thanks again mate I really appreciate it
Anytime Jon, thank you. And just to back up my ‘faith’ in him, I stashed him on the bench and left him there myself. Wasn’t a statement of course but I’d have only brought him straight back in is what I’m saying.
Anyone know when the wolves presser is??
Tomorrow. Obviously
Is this my best starting 11?
I’d say so Bees.