FF247 FPL Team GW19
Welcome to FF247 FPL Team GW19
A word to the wise
KdB was duty bound to haul in a City descrution of Brighton. Kane and Son likewise against an unprepared Fulham. A clean-sheet for the former’s team was also a given. A Newcastle cleanie plus some Wilson goals against a hapless Sheffield United was a forgone conclusion. Bruno and United would make light of Burnley and it was only a matter of time until we saw his weekly penalty shuffle.
And then we all skip happily along to DGW19 with a raft of teams to choose from, we’re all in fine fettle though because we’ve been planning ahead for it for weeks now, safe in the knowledge that even tertiary teams such as Southampton, Leeds and Villa have a double game-week. Villa is a case in point as they did, then they didn’t and now they (may) have again, but with different opposition. Maybe.
Errrrmmmm… Huh… Possibly the season so far in a nutshell.
To plan for performances and be failed is one thing, we are all well used to that. To plan for fixtures and be failed is another thing altogether. It does bring into focus whether we all bother to plan at all though, right now. Or do we all just live for the next GW and come what may after that, as it seems certain that the recent examples will only be the tip of the iceberg in terms of games cancelled / re-arranged / brought back to life at the last minute? Even waiting until the deadline seems moot at the moment as we have seen games cancelled hours before their scheduled kick-off time. We don’t know the answer to any of that, we just thought we would throw it all out there as everyone is thinking it!
As for this past week we played our Free Hit and so of course we were caught out / disappointed with some of the above as hardly any of the obvious candidates delivered what was expected, or at least not to any great extent anyway.
That said, we did ok out of it. We ended up with 60 points, a season high GW rank of about 100k and an overall rank rise of just over half a million spots up to 1.2m. Still p*ss poor we know but that’s now three greenies in a row so let’s hope we can build on that momentum.
Our GW18 Result…
Let’s go see what was decided with one free transfer, 0.5m in the bank and a previously well planned team tearing its hair out, or at least what is left of it…
Our GW19 Transfer(s)
To put some perspective on the above our (originally) planned team would have had 8 DGWers and DCL (plus Kane and Bamford). Our new one has 6 minus DCL. Not a massive difference but definitely a difference.
Your writer here was predisposed with work so I let them loose on the team for once, and here’s the result…
To view the minutes of the meeting you would think we had lost half of our squad to Covid and the rest had been indicted as we had Wildcards flying about, people suggesting we play the Free Hit chip (again!) and Bench Boosts being suggested without a bench to play it with! I really do despair at times!
To cut a long story short some sense prevailed and the middle ground reached was that a hit or two for a few extra double GW players probably wouldn’t hurt this week as many will be compelled to do the same as a result of the carnage. A good day to bury bad news, as Jo Moore would have it.
The result was that Kilman, JWP and DCL faced the chop. Dias, Soucek and Antonio were ushered in.
We may have overcooked the turkey on this one as we have essentially ended up with a half-way house in terms of playing a Bench Boost or not. But that’s what happens when you leave the idiots alone to run the asylum for a few days! If nothing else we have a strong bench and there’s probably a lot to be said for one of those these days.
Captain – Salah
It was only really when it came to voting for the Captain that the elephant in the room was revealed. As we started to get votes for… KdB.
(Oh dear. News to break, etc.)
Transfer plans were almost revisited, as going into a DGW sans ‘he who shall no longer be mentioned’ was surely FPL suicide? In truth, we had a quick look and without losing someone like Kane, Bruno or Salah we probably couldn’t get him.
Anyway, back to the players who we do actually own… Salah was awarded a landslide victory. Bruno did likewise in the VC vote.
Our GW19 team in full…
Should you wish to follow the FF247 Site Team’s progress you can do so here.
Bonus FPL Captain Picks Gameweek 19… aka The confessional
With no real time to write up an actual Capo article we simply asked our usual ‘Confessional’ victims for their DGW19 Capo pick, and here is what they came back with;
DMC — Salah
Jamesimmo — KdB
Swirly — Salah
Guy — Salah
Horse — Salah
Matt — KdB
Loud Atlas — Salah
Smash — Salah, but maybe KdB!
Kop — Salah
Cookie – Cresswell
The Gallant Pioneer — KdB
Rosco — KdB (if I buy him), Salah if not!
Ellefcee — KdB
Pre lockdown 2 goals, 3 assists.
Floydeth — Salah
AT — KdB
Init — Bruno (TC)
Mito — Salah
Thanks for reading FF247 FPL Team GW19
Hi all
GTG? OFT and 1 mill ITB. Stick with KDB as captain?
Yes it’s fine. Icing on the cake would be a City defender but not for a hit; you can do that as/when(if that’s what you want to do).
KdB is a great captaincy choice and I’d stick with that and chill out now.
Cheers, Kralin! A City defender may well be my next move.
Congratulations to the site team for yet another green arrow! :good:
Certainly played your FH and bench better then yours truly
Hey guys. My 3rd try on FH19.
Any suggestions? Bit worried about Foden game time. But, can take risk with one player, can5I?
Of course you can. It’s really nice when those more personal choices work out.
I think it looks fine. If FH myself – which I was planning to do, once upon a time, I’d probably have Vardy in there. So I would consider him over Werner.
Agree, Werner out for vardy. Guessing you need to raise funds for that in which case get soucek.
As Kralin says, Vardy over Werner. Dangerous to go without Son/Kane also.
Cheers guys. How about Werner + James + Foden to Vardy + Cancelo + Lookman?
But, That way I wont have anyone from Chelsea, which I dont want.
Elghazi to soucek and Werner to vardy possible? Stones another option to raise funds. Not keen to lose foden.
That’s a good suggestion leeboy. Thanks a lot. Not very sure about Soucek though. Him getting a header in every game is not possible right.
West Ham great DGW fixtres. Socek is a great optio.
Right near have a look at my team, can’t remember what I had pre FH..
Not ideal! Only 1 FT.
Thinking Podence & DCL out for Foden & Antonio (although not overly keen on him..)
Podence to Soucek, keep DCL and play Cresswell.
Hadn’t even thought of that tbf, that because you’re not keen on Antonio?
Did want Foden but wouldn’t be able to afford him. Soucek guaranteed minutes i suppose though.
I’ve been looking at Antonio all week but I just don’t see him playing the mins.
Personally I think he’ll start vs Burnley and will struggle and may not even start vs West Brom.
But lots are jumping on him so you’re safe with lots of company and if I’m wrong I’ll hold my hands up.
I’d certainly rather Soucek than Antonio, that’s a no-brainer to me.
No I think I agree with you tbf, it would have been partly to get Foden in. I’ll have a think.
Shadow – can you afford Podence & Alioski out and Soucek & Coufal in?
Bit different I know, but it avoids what I deem the ‘Antonio trap’.
Yes, just! With 0.1m spare. Triple Hammers too much though?…
I quite like that
What would you do here? Was thinking Vardy and stones in for Kane and balbuena? Do I need KDB
1 free transfer and 0.1m in bank
Would make those transfers in your position. Maybe transfer McCarthy out for dgw keeper. Also I’d reorder bench to raph, Dallas and Adams.
Decent moves. There seem to be some concern that KdB may be fatigued, I’ve no clue whether there’s merit to it sorry
Oracle, I don’t think you need KDB – they’re becoming overly reliant on him for some magic moments, which has worn him out.
I say that as a non-owner, of course
Good luck everyone. Hope I am all set.
I for one am jealous! :good:
Hello Dane. Why? I cannot BB this anyway. Wanted to but that will have to wait.
Well I have too few good double week players and no city – this looks better imo.
Save the bb for the next wc, no harm done there
Good luck Dane.
Cheers, you too :good2:
Great team!
Nice side indeed. Shame the Leeds double is off, would have been a perfect side, but they can still bang of course.