January Wildcard – FPL Fantasy Premier League
The much anticipated January wildcard is just around the corner and this article will look through the different options you have in terms of strategy when it comes to playing it. For those managers who have already played their season-long wildcard, this is the last chance to have a free mass clear out, get rid of that deadwood – and select all those in-form players into your squad – subject to budget restrictions, of course! If you’re happy with your squad and you don’t feel the need to use your January wildcard, be aware that if you “don’t use it, you lose it”! Therefore, even if your squad does look good, most squads would still need the odd tinker, so your January wildcard could just be used to save the odd 4 or 8pt hit, but for most it’s finally that time when you can cut loose and start afresh.
The facts and dates:
The January Wildcard can only be used after GW20 starts (1 Jan 11:30) until GW23 ends (1 Feb 11:30).
FA Cup dates in January:
3rd round proper weekend of 4/5 January
4th round proper, weekend of 25th January.
Transfer window commences at midnight on 31 December and ends on 31 January. Yep we all know that day, it’s when ‘Arry leans out of his car window…
Using the wildcard early:
Many managers use their wildcard as early as possible, in an effort to maximise team value. This is possible because after GW20 begins there is a 10-day window until GW21 due to the FA Cup 3rd round proper inbetween GW20 & GW21, hence it is expected that there will be plenty of prices rises and in some cases a player may rise up to 0.3m. This method is particularly popular for those managers who still hold their “season-long” wildcard, therefore giving them maximum opportunity to benefit from their increased team value later on in the season. This is hugely significant and one of the advantages of still holding your season-long wildcard as later in the season it may well mean the difference between being able to buy a striker for £10m, instead of being limited to just £9m, if you haven’t raised that team value.
If you are lucky enough to still have your other one then hanging fire as late as possible may not be as pertinent as it is for those who have burned theirs already. You can go early, if you need to, knowing you still have another window of opportunity later in the season to rectify the inevitable squad issues that occur such as injuries. For those that have the January wildcard it is their last chance in this respect so choose carefully when you use it.
Using the wildcard late:
A good deal of managers will leave it as late as possible to play their January wildcard for a number of reasons. Firstly, by leaving it late, you get the whole benefit of the January transfer window. Just imagine David Moyes or Jose Mourinho splashing the cash during the month on some world-class talent…and you can get them in for free! The January transfer window usually throws up some new players from abroad and perhaps a few significant ones this time hopefully (note to Moyes – you need a midfielder!). Some teams view it as the O.K Corral in an attempt to galvanise their ailing squads in an effort to avoid relegation or push or for a European spot. Case in point being QPR last season when they introduced nearly a full new squad! It didn’t work…. The point is though, that if you can afford to wait, you can see what transfers have been made and how this may impact your future transfer decisions. The best example of this may be if Man Utd do bring in the marquee midfield play-maker they sorely need.
Secondly, this is the time of the season when the FA Cup starts to impact the FPL season – the dates of the 3rd & 4th round are listed above – this is all means the possibility of Cup replays, double game-weeks, congested fixture lists, postponed games, increased chances of injuries and suspensions to players, etc. Hence, for this reason it may also be prudent to wait as long as possible – especially if this is your last wildcard available.
Clearly, there is no right or wrong answer as to when in January you should play your wildcard. Each manager must weigh up for themselves the different variables involved and work out what works best for their individual team priorities during the season. Your team may be ravaged by injuries from the Christmas period, you may still be holding your season-long wildcard, you want to wait for the transfer window to take advantage of new players coming into the league, you may be entirely focused on building up your team value.
Whatever you plan to do or indeed if you’re still not sure, be sure to get involved in the chat, offer up some advice or maybe look for guidance from others.
Good look and don’t forget that if you “don’t use it, you lose it”!
This article was written by Cookie.
In need of some help from Santas helper time has come to ship out keeper Mig v M City next game and Boruc injured , 2 best keepers for rotation and who to go for with fixtures until I can bring in second keeper in Jan WC?
Team is currently:
Mignoletl (Boruc)
Coleman,Williams, Gabbidon (Fonte, Rat)
Yaya Toure,Hazard, Silva,Ramsey.( Morrison)
1FT 2.9 in bank
A decision:
-Transfer(s) this week? Is it time to take a point hit if it will be worth it!
Oh forgot to mention reason for hit is to take out Fonte or Rat as no game time.
sorry mate I look at your team and struggle to see the need to take a hit this week. You have 11 starters there already. I would prioritise your gk and def issue and use your ft on that. You have the funds.
Its a good team too!
Untouchables – do I need to take out Fonte for a hit? Aka why isn’t he starting? My defense is in turmoil thanks to him and Vlaar…
Aguero to Ade and Oviedo/Banan to Silva??
wise or not….
I like those moves landan, go for it!
Cheers cookie…
Please have a look at my team:
Are there any suggestions or am I making the best move?
Landan, your moves look good mate, if I had a free transfer I’d be buying Adebayor also – hell of a player when he wants to be and 3 goals in 2 games suggests Sherwood is saying the right things to him.
Oviedo is a good sell now Baines is back.
Morning Cookster
Gained some on you this week and have reinvested the points to shake things up, mine and your teams were morphing into one, they aren’t now!
What you gone and done now you numpty? Mito been giving you lessons in chucking points away again??
How many transfers you done? I hope you haven’t sold Sterling now.
Lol no Sterling ain’t going nowhere
I fancied a December wildcard for Xmas mate :smirk:
It’s stagnating, needs shaking up, radical changes if you like.
I’ve a FAR better team now to come through this Xmas period, actually got a keeper this week !!!!
I’m sick of chipping away at you so as stated I’ve reinvested this weeks gain on you to come out stronger, I don’t subscribe to this anti hits bollox you all spout on here, they’ve worked wonders for me this season.
What you doing transfers wise this week then?
Strange Gallow, I thought your team was strong, keepers aside, of course.
I’ve sold Nasri for Walcott mate, hoping Kos recovers in time.
C’mon now – how many transfers you done?!!
4 transfers

Major shakeup mate, it’s looking very good now though, Walcott is one of the moves, in for Oviedo who as you stated earlier will go out for Bains.
Still got 0.3m left and will sort a backup keeper next week as I don’t imagine needing any other moves barring injury.
Looking forward to a new year tussle with you mate, only overhauling you and Banterbury success matters, I’m still in the Banterbury cup, top of my league, and have obviously qualified for the shield, shame we won’t meet in that
@GG most of us are not opposed to hits. As you will find out soon enough, well I least I am not. While I think you could be doing better, I am not denying your hits have done you well. All I was saying don’t take unnecessary ones, like the Sterling one 2 GW’s ago. You could have had Sterling for free and what is the point of making all those transfers on a Monday/Tuesday, I know you have enough money, so you could have done them all tomorrow. That is all I am critical of, by all means take the hits you like, heck I am taking one this week, but stop the needless ones, is all I am saying. If you are honest even you know that whoever you brought in this GW could be out for a hit next GW. 😉 You hire them one day before Christmas and fire them one day after. :p
You crazy man! Without all those hits you would of been above me – Yaya, Lampard etc.
I feel very honoured I’m your top target, what have I done to deserve this?!?!
Quite obvious mate, your the only one above me in the pact v merc league 😉
I will have you though, as sure as the new year is coming I will have you 😉
I’m going to have the lot of you. 😉
Happy Christmas.
You will have him?! You better not let Chopper see this, too much #inyourendo
Normally you would have a point mito…. Normally!
This time? No
I had NO KEEPER, both were dropped in the same week, talk about crap happening?
I’ve brought Szeszny in, now whatever he scores is a bonus, I would have scored ZERO points this week from my keepers, if he gets 6 points for a feasible clean sheet then it’s cost me 6 points hit for 4 transfers
My other moves?
Oviedo out as he’s losing his place for season long keeper Walcott.
Evra out for a sideways move to goal threat Evans, needed to do this to finance Walcott
Negredo out for Adebayor, wasn’t impressed at Negredos positional play, he’s all over the place, I WAS however impressed at Adebayor.
DIFFERENTIALS mito, this is what it’s about
Silva, Walcott, Adebayor, Sterling all under 6% ownership, most teams are morphing into one, to climb the rankings you need differentials now, get on BEFORE the masses.
Hope this explains my thinking?
Not being critical of your transfers, just the timing. What happens if Arsene comes out ( no pun intended) and says Szes is hurt tomorrow? Like I said they are working for you, but the needless ones and the timing of some of them are not the best. You are doing too well to throw away 4 points, 8 points or so needlessly. Of course you need a keeper, no one will ever deny that, a hit for Wally, I understand. But on a Monday? No need for the early transfers, again what is the point of all that money if you don’t take advantage of the fact that you can wait longer on moves on top of building a stronger squad. Anyways good going GG, you are doing well and it’s your team….
Aye aye. Did someone say summit about HAVING each other. All i will say is play safe enjoy yr time on hampstead heath an use one of these :chill: theyre GRRREAT
I would be very surprised but as I saw this weekend crap happens.
I did the moves after last nights games to minimise possible injury threats but injuries can occur at anytime anywhere not just on the football field.
My next move is a second keeper to the value if 4.8m, haven’t decided but will likely get Mannone as he’s cheapest as I will play Szeszny every week.
Already have my next moves planned, should have some team by January 1st games.
Happy Xmas mate
Just remember mito, you were a hit magnet last season and finished top 10k, you have changed your ways and aren’t anywhere near those heights this season…. Food for thought????
Bring back the old mito
The old Mito is back you feckers!! I will celebrate by taking a hit maybe two this week.
Okay so Oscar didn’t start again
should I take him out for Walcott?
Team’s linked, please advise – it’s either Oscar or Özil out…
Like you said earlier your defence is in turmoil….I’d work on that, but only with jan WC cus you got some work to do there buddy…
.ref Oscar to Wally… Mmmm…maybe, but with you having Ozil wouldn’t you want to keep some Chelsea cover…?
I’d prob straight swap Ozil to Wally & use spare cash to probley upgrade Brunt to Cabaye…Maybe..?
Thanks bigpopz, good point about taking out Özil instead.. My options:
1) 4-3-3 with Vlaar/Brunt and Özil (‘all in’ somewhat) or
2) 3-4-3 with Cabaye and Oscar featuring
It’s tough, balance (and dodgy Oscar) vs double AFC team
Which would you go for? Many thanks
Oscar to Walcott sounds like a good move, but just had a quick look at team. Is your defence not the priority? Vlaar injured, Moxey got 45 mins and Fonte and Faye aren’t starting
Just a thought mate
B-dash – I agree, but will probably still do the Walcott move for a hit – what would you do first to sort out my sorry backline? Fonte or Vlaar.. ..but for whom? 0.6m in the bank
I would go for which one can get you Debuchy. Fonte seems out of favour, Vlaar is at 50% to play.
Yes, Walcott is probably worth the hit mate
How about Fonte —–> Gibbs? Great fixtures coming up..
Also, as bigpopz has pointed out, if I took out Özil instead of Walcott I could play a 3-4-3 with Cabaye, Walcott and Oscar featuring, whereas Oscar out means a 4-3-3 with Vlaar/Brunt, Walcott and Özil featuring..
What do you think?
Chances of Kos playing on boxing day?
Any news in Fonte (non starting?) or Vlaar?