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Captains Picks Gameweek 31 Special Edition

Captains Picks Gameweek 31 Special Edition – FPL Fantasy Football Premier League Welcome along to a Special Edition of Captains Picks. What’s so special about it we hear you ask? Well it’s not just that its a double gameweek and your captain selection will be crucial to this weeks success but more than that we have FPL royalty in the FF247 offices this week! This weeks captains picks are brought to you by the man of the moment himself, B-Bash. Many of you will be familiar with this unassuming chap from the boards as he chats away happily both giving out and seeking advice but...[Read More]

Gameweek 30 Review

[countdown id=”1396097636″ format=”dHMS” serverSync=”true” alwaysExpire=”false” compact=”false” tickInterval=”1″ font_size=”24″ bg_color=”#f6f7f6″ counter_color=”#444444″ label_color=”#444444″ counter=”until” until=”03,31,2014,23,59″ labels=”Years,Months,Weeks,Days,Hours,Minutes,Seconds” labels1=”Year,Month,Week,Day,Hour,Minute,Second” compactLabels=”y,m,w,d”]     Gameweek 30 Review – FPL Fantasy Foot...[Read More]

Fantasy Football Live Match Chat Gameweek 30

Fantasy Football Live Chat Gameweek 30 – FPL Fantasy Premier League The deadline bell has rung, your transfer concerns are over and your agonies over who to captain are no more. Time to sit back and see how your chosen players fare for you this week. Hopefully your players will perform, did you give the armband to the right player this week?…… Keep track of all the action, the goals, the talking points, right here at FF247 Live Match Chat, an interactive chat which encourages you to keep involved and share your thoughts and emotions as the matches take place. Good luck for GW...[Read More]

Team Talk Gameweek 30

Team Talk Gameweek 30 After the relative quiet of last week, welcome to GW30 and a full set of fixtures to contemplate, plan for and take full advantage of. It’s a game-week where we can observe how midweek European exits have affected both Arsenal and Man City as they refocus back onto the Premier League. It’s a game-week that promises more doom and unemployment fears for Chris Hughton and Pepe Mel. It’s a game-week that will see Alan Pardew wandering around the streets of Fulham aimlessly looking for someone to head-butt. And just when you thought I wasn’t going to mention my old mate, it’s ...[Read More]

Fantasy Football Tips Gameweek 30

Fantasy Football Tips Gameweek 30 So the mayhem that was GW29 is now behind us and those of us who planned for it hopefully came through it unscathed and possibly even picked up those all important green arrows. Unfortunately things don’t get any easier as the mammoth DGW31 is only around the corner, although we’re pretty sure most of you have been planning for that over the past few weeks. One piece of advice we would like to offer at this stage is to not get blinded by the double game-week, after all there are another seven game-weeks following it, oh and we still have GW30 to deal with! Any...[Read More]

Pottys Predictions Game-week 30

Pottys Predictions Game-week 30 Hi Everyone, While Potty is laid low its me Sam who is in charge and yes its time to have some fun. But before we do let’s recap on what’s happened the past week in Pottys Bookies. 3 Euro’s a Goal – This was a close run affair between Albertini and Peaky Dave, in fact a tiebreaker was called upon and 13 yellow cards won it for ALBERTINI. The Deadly Defender’s – A tit for tat this became with Mito and Swirly taking an early lead, but then like a Cheltenham racehorse coming up on the inside rail with 32 points the winner was PVR...[Read More]

Captains Picks Gameweek 30

Captains Picks Gameweek 30 – FPL Fantasy Football Premier League GW30 provides a whole host of potential candidates for your armband and it’s really a week that if you get it right, you will see your side climb up the leagues. On the flip side, getting it wrong may see some dreaded red arrows, so some thinking and work needs to be done. With Sergio Aguero’s injury last night putting off many a manager from including him this week, who is a decent alternative to the Argentinian – is it now Dzeko time? With Liverpool playing at Old Trafford will the Suarez or Sturridge debate be as prevale...[Read More]

Fixtures Game-week 30 and planning for the Double…

Fixtures Game-week 30 and planning for the Double… – FPL Fantasy Football Premier League   So while last week felt a bit like a game of 5-a-side, a knock around in the park if you will that produced an average score of just 29 points, we are thankfully back on this week with a full compliment of fixtures to go at. We appreciate that the massive double GW31 will still dictate many peoples transfers this week as they look to load up on those who have two games next week. Many will be looking to land a perfect treble for some of those teams and as such we are going to take a look at t...[Read More]

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