FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW4
Form over faculties?
Welcome to FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW4.
GW3 was tough. Really tough. We brought in a couple of Ole’s babies and one eeked out an assist, the other sh*t the bed, to be frank. Martial got us 5 points for his troubles, Wan-B got us zero after a yellow card and a late goal conceded. Not every transfer decision can be perfect and Palace at home screamed clean sheet. In theory…
Wan-B’s defensive compatriots didn’t fare much better as they amassed 7 points between the sorry lot of them.
Our ‘left-field GW1’ pick McGinn got us an assist to keep things ticking along in the midfield budget basement. Our premium mids did what they do with Salah and Sterling (C) bringing home 31 between them.
Up top we may have some issues as Jota and Kane got two points apiece.
Overall we got 53 points, which was 9 above the average. It somehow meant a green arrow, albeit the tiniest of ones and we moved up 300 spots to sit at 82,365th.
Our GW3 Result…
Let’s go see what was decided this week…
Our GW4 Transfer(s)
Problems have been mounting as Martial has been ruled out, Walker-Peters looks likely to be so, our front-line is mis-firing, our back-line is conceding and even our sub keeper was getting so fed up with them all he buggered off on loan to Ipswich for the season. Now we could have ridden some of this but in all honesty a mini overhaul was on the cards and we wanted to jump on some in form players early doors before their prices prohibited us from doing so. As such we voted to WILDCARD this week.
As for our actual picks many (most) need little or no explanation as quite frankly it looks like a who’s who of who has scored the most points recently. We believe that is called ‘form’ though and so make no apologies for doing so. Our front-line is a case in point; it now consists of the three highest scoring forwards in the game. Chasing points much, you may ask. In all honesty no because they are simply the form guys and we wish we had had the hindsight to pick them all from GW1!
If you have further questions about the choices please feel free to ask them in the comments below and we are sure one of the committee will be on hand to offer any explanations but as we say it looks pretty straightforward as to the why bit in most cases.
To confirm then we have WILDCARDED
Captain – Ben Stokes Sergio Aguero
If we could have captained our hero Ben then we would have (many did in the Captain Poll!) but it was a toss up between Kun and Sterling and it could have been either way round really. We clearly feel that City may go on one this week, despite Brighton’s promising start. Kun edged it narrowly, Raheem will back up if Pep suddenly decides to lose his mind rotate.
Our GW4 team in full…
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Thanks for reading FF247 Fantasy Football Site Team GW4
Price changes 30th August
Risers Digne (6.1), Sterling (12.3) ,Ceballos (5.7)
Fallers, Hennessey (4.4), Bailly (4.9), Perez (6.3), Foster (4.9), L.Freeman (5.4), Robinson (5.3)
Thanks for taking the trouble to post that – nice it’s from a site regular.
Thanks, Pad.
It seems the price change websites still haven’t found the golden formula yet then! Fix tipped about 100 price changes over night 😆
What you guys think for James as Man utd cover?
What is your observation after first 3 GWS, is he going to score regularly ?
I think he is actually going to score a few goals yes. Looks a very decent prospect.
Two in three isn’t bad is it?
I was actually going to include him in this week’s Tips article.
Needs to stop diving, think he’s been booked both games I’ve watched.
Tbf I think the second one was harsh on him. Looked like a foul to me.
But I agree, he’s getting a bad rep already!
He was unlucky as he was completely fouled for the one against Palace. James McArthur almost kicked his kneecap off!
Site team looks well balanced!
Appreciate if anyone could advice what I should do. Bit unhappy with the balance on my team and bit worried not having Kun and Salah this week coupled with Martial’s injury. Currently 1.2m itb and 0 FT. Should I do:
1. Martial to Mount (-4)
2. Martial & Kane to Salah & Haller (-8)
3. Zinchenko, Martial and Kane to Digne, Mount and Kun (-12)
4. Something else
Having used up all 3 city slots prevents me from making a direct swap Kane to Kun
Option 1
I wouldn’t take a -8 or -12 before an international break and you’re already well covered for City as is.
I would do Martial to Mount, others -8 and -12 are almost never justified! And kane has good record against Arsenal..
Probably best not to plunge unguided into the black arcades of horror that a -12 represents. Option 1 is fine.
1) I’m quite jealous of all these Mount transfers
It’s really easy to get carried away with BWS so thanks for inputs guys. Martial to Mount it is! And will be hiding behind the sofa while watching Kun and Salah.
It maybe an unpopular and boring opinion, but you could also consider letting things be and not taking even the solitary hit?
What’s the guarantee Mount plays the full match, and scores to boot? If it was for a free transfer then maybe, but as it stands you could take the loss of a player and see if Martial recovers over the break.
Then you would have 2 transfers and a decent chunk of money left with you, and Martial as well.
Yes, I could play Lundstram/Hanley in place of Martial also and hope for the best. It’s also a case of how long is Martial going to be out and lose the 0.1 net value that I gained if he’s value drops
I’d play Lundstram and cross fingers.
Seriously contemplating that now since it’s Int break after this week and Martial should recover by then?
Very nice side COYS. You must have WCed. I would be tempted to hold Martial this GW and look at getting in Mount for Cantwell next GW, perhaps by downgrading Kane. Killer midfield
Thanks Horse. The grass is always greener on the other side
I actually prefer to get Salah back next week. Just makes me sleep better even if Mané delivers this week.
Hmm – the site team voted for a WC this early in the season? Very hot-blooded indeed! What happened to the sensible British gentlemanly approach? Hahaha! Stokes and Leach’s last stand has you all in revolutionary mode (and probably Bo Jo’s parliamentary games have raised a few hackles as well!)! Well go for it guys – best of luck ! AJW.
Site team seems more aggressive this year
Must be dissention in the ranks.
Kop would never stand for this.
for next 3 gw
which one will u [refer
1. Firmino
2. Haller
That’s a very close one I think and there’s no right or wrong answer.
If you have Salah (or Mane), then I think I would prefer to go Haller maybe.
Think I’d prefer Haller because I’d prefer the extra cash
Nice 343. With Sidibé playing in the cup instead of Coleman, I think Digne is an even better idea than it was before.