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How to Apply Poker Strategies to Your Fantasy Football Team

How to Apply Poker Strategies to Your Fantasy Football Team

There is no denying that there is a unique and interesting bond between poker and fantasy football.

If you’re like me and enjoy playing most types of poker, there’s also a good chance that you will enjoy getting involved in a fantasy football league.

After playing both for many years, I have noticed a cross-over between the two, more specifically, about how certain poker strategies can be applied to Fantasy Football, which I will discuss on this page.

If you are considering joining a fantasy football league (or have already joined one and are currently looking for ways to improve your team’s performance) and have a remote interest in playing poker, you’ve come to the right place.

Are any poker strategies that I apply to my fantasy football league guaranteed to work?

No, not all strategies taken from poker are guaranteed to work in your fantasy football league. Some are better than others.

Here are just a handful of basic poker strategies I’ve found that you may like to try using in your fantasy football selection. I’ve tried them all, and some are more effective and easier to apply than others.

Although some of these strategies have worked much more effectively for me than others, they have all improved my team in one way or another, but that doesn’t mean they will work for you.

However, you may find that the ones that haven’t worked so well for me might be the perfect strategies for your team, so don’t forget to try out a few of them to see which ones work best.

The poker strategies I will reveal below can often be applied to any of the world’s most popular poker variants commonly found on today’s most trusted real-money iGaming sites.

For a complete list of all uk poker sites, one of the most trusted websites you can turn to in 2024 is the globally renowned review site.

Which poker strategies can I apply to my fantasy football team?

Without further ado, here are several fundamental poker strategies you may like to consider applying to your fantasy football team:

  • Remember that observation skills and quick decision-making based on those observations are essential. I try to gather as much information on my opponent as possible to help me gain an edge over them. If you can study rival fantasy teams just as you would study your poker opponents, try to look for their strengths and weaknesses and use them against them. Also, try to predict what your opponent’s next move might be to help you make more informed decisions when making your team selection
  • Don’t be afraid to try new strategies. In poker and fantasy football, I’ve found that sticking to the same formula doesn’t always help, especially if it doesn’t seem to be working. I like to try new strategies and frequently tinker with my team (like I tinker with my poker hands) until I find a winning formula. If you don’t try new selections, you won’t be able to tweak your team accordingly to start earning crucial points needed to climb into the paid positions of your fantasy football league leaderboards
  • Focus on the game at hand. Losing concentration at crucial times can often have devastating consequences, so try to remain focused at all times, and don’t take your eye on the prize for one second. I try not to let too many distractions impact my decisions and try to block everything else out when playing poker or selecting my fantasy football team
  • Be brave when making decisions. Sometimes, you will have to make big decisions, so try not to overthink them and be more confident when making them. In fantasy football, your end team could end up looking completely different from the start of the season because you made the right calls at the right time
  • Don’t sit idle and wait for the prize to come to you. You have to be fully engaged, make gutsy decisions, not risky ones, and try to think about the bigger picture
  • Try to remember that you will not win every week. In the weeks when you lose, try to learn from your mistakes to make better decisions in the future. I often experience a bad run of luck, and you might too, but also bear in mind that losing might not always be because of decisions you made. Try not to let losing knock your confidence. Sometimes, even the best teams on paper can lose, just like in poker when ‘unbeatable’ hands that look certain to win end up losing
  • Understand the implied probability rate of certain outcomes occurring because it can help you pick better players who are more likely to perform, just like knowing in poker whether certain hands/cards are likely to materialise based on what is already out on the table


Although poker is completely different from fantasy football, the more you think about it, the more similarities you will come across.

After years of playing poker and managing fantasy football teams, I have found that both forms of entertainment involve an element of chance and skill and have more similarities than most people would think.

For me, it’s a case of trying to balance the two to find strategies that fit both. When playing poker, remember to gamble responsibly, and if you are new to the game, start out at the low-stakes tables, or practice in the free-play demo mode, where possible.

Finally, don’t forget that to play online poker or join a paid fantasy football league, you must be at least 18 years old.





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