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UEFA Champions League Fantasy Football 2022/23

UEFA Champions League Fantasy Football 2022/23


The Den Perry Tribute Band…

After months of toil, sweat, and tears, both for them all, and of course us, we have finally arrived for the last hurdle. It’s Inter vs Man City on Saturday, for them. For us, it’s Den Perry vs The Rest! As is now becoming traditional(ly boring) Den has a healthy lead and looks likely to walk away with yet another CL trophy! He’s becoming the Man City of our CL game, before Man City even become the Man City of theirs.

From a game POV all you really need to know is that you now have another FIVE FT’s before the final on Saturday.

The Game Itself
You can access the game here – Fantasy Champions League

  • FF247 Regs League –
  • The purpose of this is that it is for folk who are on the FF247 forum regularly and taking part in the regular FF247 CL chat.

    The Regs Standings

    Thanks for reading UEFA Champions League Fantasy Football 2022/23.

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    1. 427
      Potty Procky says:

      Good evening, so it’s kinda 24 hours since the UCL Final kicked off.
      So after 9 months we have the winner of my “Potty People Only” Champions League Fantasy Football Competition.
      So let’s put your hands together for…..
      Son’s of Light
      (E-mail me on
      So your medal can be arranged to be forwarded on.
      Well done indeed because….

    2. 428

      I love how user-friendly Griffon Casino’s mobile platform is. It’s seamless to play on the go, with the games and site features optimized for mobile devices.

    3. 429

      The fantasy UCL is now open. It starts on 19.09 and there are still a few play offs to be played but you can create a team and then make changes accordingly.
      To join the private league for regular members only please email the site.

    4. 430
      inittowinit says:

      Draw in full.

      Article will be updated in the next week or so.

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