Harry & Lloyd’s Predictions Competition

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW33+, 34+ & 35+

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW33+,GW34+,GW35+ Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW33+,GW34+,GW35. The games continue to blur into one, so to save us all some time we’ve once again combined the upcoming three Game Weeks into one. As before, you can either make predictions for all fixtures in one post or individually, all we ask is that you post any subsequent predictions on your original comment. On to the winners! GW30+ Winner is RafflesHotspur on 11 pts, it went down to the wire but his 31st minute (first goal prediction) was the closest to the (45+2) opener. Init, JamieMc and SweetBlueToffee also finished with 11 pts – awesome sauce! GW31+ Winner is M.Salah on 14 pts, again his prediction of the 33rd minute was closest to the 64th minute f...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW30+GW31+GW32+

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW30+ Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW30+GW31+GW32+. We love a good prediction here at Harry and Lloyd’s but even we didn’t see a Global Pandemic on the horizon. As the country began closing down, football held on for just a few days and then that like the rest of the country went into lockdown too. For a while, it seemed that perhaps it would not return, but it’s back, and we have a whole load of football to look forward to. With 9 game weeks in just under 6 weeks, it’s going to busier than Kyle Walker during a lockdown, so enough of the chit chat. As you can see from the headline this article covers the first 3 weeks of fixtures. As always, you can either make predictions for all fixtures in one ...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW30

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW30 Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW30. DGW29 (or GW29 as it turned out) will be remembered for all the wrong reasons it seems. For every team with a Mane VC and Lundstram 12-pointer off the bench, there are the poor sods who played their Free Hit or worse; took hits to bring in City and Arsenal players. Sad times, but let’s keep perspective here. Thankfully, over at H&L we remain unaffected with the City v Arsenal fixture never part of this conversation, that doesn’t mean we don’t care. We were just ahead of our time… Normal service was resumed in the Saturday fixtures of GW29. We kicked off with one of our most popular results; a classic 2-1, and followed that up with a trio of 1-0’s,...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW29

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW29 Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW29. Suprise results for Norwich and Watford turned our predictions competition on its head, with many posting a grand total of zero points as they headed into the Sunday fixtures. As expected, it was a low scoring GW, probably the lowest across the history of running this competition. Luckily, there were a few who were able to navigate the unpredictable. RedRobbo took top-spot with an impressive 10pts, 2nd place was a tie between PM and Bhandrex Bhajiegoer both finishing on what seems like a massive 7pts this week. Also worth a mention, things are hotting up at the top of the table with top-spot shared between Leprechaun, Tornado and our very own Smash all on 227, a special mention als...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW28

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW28 Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW28. The key to consistent success in this competition is to forgo the hope of a weekly prize and instead focus on average to good weekly scores, the key to this, is sticking to 0-0, 1-1 and 2-1’s. Feel free to chuck in an occasional 3 now and then – we only live once right? Usually, it works, usually five sides don’t score three goals. So that’s my excuses in for my pitful 6pts this week, if only so many of you didn’t hit double-digits it might hold some weight. Our winner this week was Perun86 with 16 points, which included correctly picking Giroud as FGS. Second-spot was a tie between Albox and COYS with a very solid 15pts. There were a few 13 and 11 pointers ...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW27

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW27 Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW27. My Go, that was one long gameweek! Yes, I know the ‘winter’ break is there to give the players a well-deserved rest and that the English FA is years behind the rest of Europe in terms of giving their players a break. The break hadn’t even started before we saw controversy as Klopp was adamant his players were not going to play in the FA cup replay and this rubbed a lot of people up the wrong way, the Shrewsbury CEO in particular. Well Liverpool came out the other end of that replay with a win so that was good! We then turned our attention to the Premier League and more controversy as Storm Ciara came in and gave everyone (Rosco) a right good scare. Man City and We...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW26

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW26 Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW26. A series of unexpected results meant that it was a low scoring affair for many of our competitors, with scores of 1 and 2 seemingly the norm. Fortunately, we do have a fair few of you who may not have got the scores correct, but if you get enough results, those single points can add up ( I mean that in the nicest possible way!). Our winner this week was OddDane on a mighty 11 points, 2nd place was taken by Nivz32 on 10 points, with Shinespark, Coys, Floydeth and Kop all taking up the rear with 9 points. Not suprisingly, no one got FGS (Rudiger). And so; Many Congratulations to OddDane. Please email us here; contact@fantasyfootball247.co.uk to claim your prize. Overall League Table ...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW25

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW25 Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW25. We have two sets of results this week, both of which proved to be fairly low scoring affairs… a bit like GW24 then (pre West Ham v Liverpool). Let’s get to the bit you’re really interested in – the winners. The GW23 winner is our very own Init on a handsome 11pts. A close 2nd we have Stone Frog on 10pts and tied in 3rd is everyone’s favorite Swirly and yours truly (Rosco) with a solid 9. No one managed to get the FGS (Jan Bednarak in the 15th minute) with everyone instead predicting a player from the Spurs game. GW24 was won by Constantine who netted a not unlucky 13pts, AJW, Kop and Ivan all tied for 2nd with 11pts. Again, no one got FGS who once more came from Southam...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW23 & 24

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW23 Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW23 & 24. With the quick turnaround between the next few GW’s we are going to ask you to do a bit more work this week. After GW23 at the weekend then GW24 is upon us as soon as Tuesday and as such we are having a double header here. The only thing we ask is that if you do your two GW predictions separately can you try and reply to your original just for the sanity of the number crunchers next week. As for GW22 Gear is our winner with 13 followed by RafflesHotspur with 12 and pjlill with 11. And so; Many Congratulations to Gear. Please email us here; contact@fantasyfootball247.co.uk to claim your prize. The Overall League Table THIS WEEK’S COMPETITION… Scoring coul...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW22

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW22 Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW22. Welcome back and Happy New Year from your H&L team! We’ve a lot to catch up on as we left you with a lot to do over the Christmas period, and boy did you do it! We were rather hoping it may prove too much and that we’d have about 5 entries to count up but bugger us you’re a dedicated lot and we got even more than normal… b@3%@2ds!!! Given how much we struggle to get things correct in a normal week you’ll have to forgive us if the following isn’t even close to be being accurate but with 4 weeks to contend with at once here’s our attempt at presenting the winners… GW 18 Winner: mahelmy with 10 Honourable mentions to Gavy, Kushan Sa...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW’s19, 20 & 21

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW’s19, 20 & 21 We are going to ask you to do a bit of work this week, but it’s for the greater good, and everbody’s sanity, yours and ours. With some of the Christmas GW’s having hours rather than days between them we don’t feel that a fresh H&L for each one would be wise, better to plan ahead and all that. And as such this is your chance to do so also, all we need is your entries for GW’s 19, 20 & 21 all at once. Or if you like you can revisit your post and add them as we go along, but if you do choose the latter option just try to post them in reply to your original one please. And don’t forget to add your FIRST GOAL SCORER for each one. As for the winners we shall announe all three en-m...[Read More]

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW18

Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW18 Welcome to Harry and Lloyd’s Fantasy Predictions GW18. You have a little less work to do this week with just the 9 fixtures scheduled. But worry not, you’ll have 30 of the buggers to fill in next week! This is our gentle way of breaking the news to you; basically the plan is that we go forth as normal this week but keep an eye out over the weekend as we will be releasing a bumper Christmas edition which strides all of GW’s 19, 20 & 21 together. Back to this week and our winner has been on a bit of an FPL downer as of late so hopefully the news that he smashed it this week with 15 points and nailed the first goal scorer to boot will help cheer him up somewhat. And so; Many Congratulations to SMASH. Please email us here;...[Read More]

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