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The Big Interview – The Regulars Respond! Part 1

The Big Interview – The Regulars Respond! Part 1- FPL Fantasy Football Premier League Just when you thought it was safe to forget your FPL password and get World Cup or MLS focused I have returned! You can’t escape from FPL that easily and I know that secretly, you’re already missing it. While the season is still fresh in our minds I have asked some of the regulars on our site to put some thoughts together on some of the lessons they have learnt from this season that they plan to take into next season. As with many of our discussions on the chat boards, you won’t agree with everything an...[Read More]

Live Match Chat Game-week 38

Live Match Chat Game-week 38 – FPL Fantasy Premier League Welcome to the final Live Match Chat of the season. Well there isn’t a whole lot left to play for in the league itself, unless Man City have a massive catastrophe and that’s not likely to happen is it. Is It? Surely not… There will doubtless be an awful lot left to play for in fantasy terms though as many managers look to seal victory in their mini-leagues or indeed salvage an unlikely win from an impossible situation. Whatever your scenario this week be sure to keep us updated on the drama as it unfolds. Today i...[Read More]

FF247 final league tables

FF247 final league tables- FPL Fantasy Football Premier League Welcome to the final overall, monthly, UFPL and doubles leagues round up. Well folks as the old Kenneth Wolstenholme saying from the 1966 world cup goes “there’s some people on the pitch, they think its all over, it is now”. FF247 Overall League :- The champion of the FF247 season 2013/2014 is Steve Faulkner and his team ‘Barntons Bashers’ with a grand total of 2537 points and an overall rank of 82. B Bash as he is known on the boards is a worthy winner as he led for most of the season and managed to h...[Read More]

Captains Picks Game-week 38

WoW!! This is the end, hard to believe we have gone through the whole season already. Whether you feel your ranking is worthy of celebration or you plan to hide for the summer in shame, I thank you for spending your time with us. It has been a pleasure writing for this site and a bigger one interacting with this ever growing community. FPL can be fun, but can also be a grind, particularly in those bad game-weeks when we feel like flushing our teams down the toilet. It certainly helps to have a whole host of members we can consider friends to help laugh off the frustration of another genius dec...[Read More]

Team Talk Game-week 38 The Crying Game

Team Talk Game-week 38 The Crying Game – FPL Fantasy Football Premier League Well, this is it folks – GW38 – the last game-week of the season. And what a season it’s been, what a week it’s been!! We’ve had the most topsy turvy of a DGW37, which was rescued for some by Yaya and Dzeko and ruined for others by Mata, Aguero and Rooney. We’ve seen Cardiff and Fulham relegated with Norwich joining them unless they demolish Arsenal 17-0. We’ve had Villa, West Brom and Hull do just enough to survive, while Sunderland have made the mother of all comebacks. West Ham beat Tottenham….again! Norwich ...[Read More]

Fantasy Football Tips Game-week 38

Fantasy Football Tips Game-week 38 – FPL Premier League As Roy Orbison once sang, ‘it’s over, it’s over, it’s over’…ok so it’s not over just yet but you know what we mean! It’s hard to believe that 37 game-weeks have passed since we innocently set out on our seasons FPL journey, a season that has brought both highs & lows with the most recent low being DGW37 but we’ll leave that in the past and instead we’ll try and concentrate on GW38. Aside from City & Liverpool, the remaining teams have nothing to play for which means it is difficult to predict who will start, let alone perfor...[Read More]

Pottys Predictions Competition Game-week 38

Hello my Potty Punters and as you are reading this I believe this is happening, B-Bash gets crowned FPL Champion, S&S both grab hat-tricks to steal the title off Man City as Sam’s Hammers defeat the Bluemooners and Bench finds love in a Cheltenham park….but then I realize it’s this RT session that has sent me Loopy!!! So let’s look at the past weeks action in Potty’s Bookies. CL Magical Midfielders A fine competition this was, but many of you boobed by picking Ronaldo, that flying forward, and in doing so reduced your men down to 3, but one FF247 user saw the light and with 22p...[Read More]

Fixtures Game-week 38

Fixtures Game-week 38 – FPL Fantasy Football Premier League And now, the end is near; And so I face the final curtain My friend, I’ll say it clear I’ll state my case, of which I’m certain Regrets, I’ve had a few; But then again, too few to mention I did what I had to do And saw it through without exemption I planned each charted course; Each careful step along the byway But more, much more than this I did it my way Yes, there were times, I’m sure you knew When I bit off more than I could chew But through it all, when there was doubt I ate it up and spit it o...[Read More]

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