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HOT TOPICS! Fantasy Football 247 is a site dedicated to providing FPL managers with team news, reviews, transfer tips, captain picks, help and advice from the Premier League

FPL launch 2016/17 – New Rules and Player Pricelist

FPL launch 2016/17 – New Rules and Player Pricelist Finally it is live! FPL is back, life as we know it will not be the same for the next 10 months! At first glance there seems little change to last season – budget and squad size is naturally the same and the four chips remain in place, including the two wildcards – one to be used in the first half of the season, the other to be used in the second half of the season. The first may not be carried over – so use it or lose it. The only change seems to be in the calculation of bonus points – a breakdown of which can be found under the Rules tab. With less than a month to go before the start of the season, managers will be busily playing with different formations and strategies, so to help you on your way, let’s take a very brief look at ...[Read More]

Manchester City – Fantasy Premier League 2015/16

Manchester City – Fantasy Premier League 2015/16 [three_fourth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] View image | [/three_fourth]Having finished 2nd in the Premier League and not won a single trophy, Manchester City will be looking to improve on a disappointing season and revitalize their title ambitions. Despite scoring *only* 83 goals last season, 19 goals less than the season before, City were still the highest scoring team and are extremely fantasy relevant due to their free-flowing, attacking football. Hence, I will take a look at what can be expected from City for the upcoming season, and try to provide some fantasy relevant tips. Transfers: In: Raheem Sterling, Fabian Delph, Patrick Roberts, Enes Ünal Out: Scott Sinclair, Matija Nastasic, Dedryck Boyata, Micah Rich...[Read More]

Fantasy Premier League 2015-16 Pre-Season Round up

Fantasy Premier League 2015-16 Pre-Season Round up [three_fourth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] View image | [/three_fourth] Hello. Happy Summer everyone and welcome to your Pre-Season Article. The article is intended as a ‘work-in-progress’ and a workspace where we can keep each other up to date with all the latest line-up and substitution news for all twenty of this season’s Premier League teams ahead of our final selection of our fantasy squads. We should also record the scoreline particulars including the all-important scorers, assisters and ‘nearly men’. Any salient information such as a defender on penalty kicks duties, a midfielder playing striker or Asmir Begovic playing some part in a Chelsea match to let him think he has a chance of playing this season, can be ...[Read More]

FPL launch 2015/16 – New Rules and Player Pricelist

FPL launch 2015/16 – New Rules and Player Pricelist Finally, after weeks of waiting excitedly like a child on Christmas Eve, FPL has been launched for the 2015/16 season. With GW1 still the best part of a month away, there will be countless hours of tinkering ahead as managers try and ensure they get off to the best possible start in their pursuit of global domination. The price list will be carefully scrutinised to find this season’s Harry Kane, while many a club’s pre-season tours and friendlies will be monitored to see who is showing impressive form and which of the new transfers appears to be settling in the best. All of this is of course normal July and August behaviour for us frustrated FPL managers, especially those who didn’t get involved in Fantasy MLS and the U21’s Euro Cha...[Read More]

Fantasy Football Hot Topics

Fantasy Football Hot Topics With just three gameweeks remaining there appears to be a feeling of apathy reverberating around the world of fantasy football! We can’t quite put our finger on the reason for this but our old friend the ‘template team’ is perhaps largely to blame! However we’ve all gotten this far and with the finishing line in sight there is no excuse for taking your foot off the pedal, unlike some Premier League sides. With only three gameweeks remaining it is going to be quite difficult for those of us chasing to make up any serious points differences but try we must as none of us want to turn into the Arsenal of the fantasy football world. Did you know that finishing above Spurs is seen as an achievement by the Gooners? Ya learn something new every day. We’ve decided to cha...[Read More]

Happy Hollandaise!

Happy Hollandaise – Fantasy Premier League 2014/15 [three_fourth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] View image | [/three_fourth]Greetings from the warm and cozy Ivory Towers here at FF247 Headquarters. As I sat in our luxurious cafeteria this morning having breakfast and wondering what to write about, the hollandaise sauce from my Eggs Benedict dripped onto my hand-sewn FF247 uniform. After having the chef flogged for serving such runny sauce it came to me: hollandaise, bacon, delicious food, naps, family, time off from work, football (both kinds for us yanks), presents, fat men in red suits… – holidays! Yes, let’s do a holiday article! And what better to do around the holidays than take stock of the year that was, make resolutions for the new year we...[Read More]

Analysing Manchester City

Analysing Manchester City Despite winning the league last season, with the most potent attack and the 2nd best defence in the division it perhaps comes as somewhat of a surprise to see that their players have to date not proved more popular when it comes to selecting our initial FPL squads. Why is this the case? Unfortunately we don’t have the answer to this particular question, but obviously there are a number of mitigating factors, such as the late return of a number of their players following the World Cup, their difficult start to the season as well as a number of additions to the squad which will inevitably lead to more rotation. With all of this in mind, our resident City expert Tekno-Kun has taken an in depth look at the City squad.

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