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Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 13

Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 13 Welcome to the Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 13 article. So we managed a scintillating 38pts last week which was two below the average. Despite again finishing below the average we were actually quite pleased with ourselves on Monday night. Going into the West Brom game with had just 19pts to our name. Step forward Allan-Roméo Nyom and Darren Fletcher. When we bought Nyom ahead of GW12 we didn’t expect him to be our highest scoring player but thanks to the clean sheet, an assist and two bonus points he finished up on 11pts (High five us!). Fletcher climbed off our bench to replace Gundogan and duly chipped in with a goal meaning he contributed 8pts to our total. The fact that the rest of our team managed 19pts between the nine of them sa...[Read More]

Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 12

Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 12 Welcome to the Fantasy Football 247 Site Team Gameweek 12 article. Oh dear, 4 points below the average last week with 48 in total in what turned out to be a bit of a disaster all round with key players being rested (Sterling) and others coming up with minus points (Holebas, -2, thanks). And with both him and Smith getting themselves suspended for this week we are in a bit of a mess all of a sudden! Last week our entire defence scored just 5 points, Firmino saved our midfield blushes, and probably our gameweek with 15 but the other 3 mids got us just 7. Up top Austin and Kun pitched in with a goal each but in all it just wasn’t good enough. Overall we fell a good few places and currently find ourselves in 64,574th place, a fall of approximate...[Read More]

Around the Grounds FPL Team News Gameweek 12

Around the Grounds FPL Team News Gameweek 12 Welcome to Around the Grounds FPL Team News Gameweek 12. Well that was a long fortnight! However, that’s the international breaks over until the New Year, we now have a free run into the exciting and hectic Christmas period. It’s a full game-week this time, spread over three days and started off by Mourinho vs Wenger as Arsenal travel to Old Trafford Saturday lunchtime. We then move onto the 3pm matches, of which there are six – Pep has the pleasure of taking his superstars to the Lord’s Palace, Ashley Williams welcomes his old Welsh mates to Goodison, Southampton parade their next crop of Liverpool first-teamers at St Mary’s, Jack Wilshere resumes his battle with Stoke but with Bournemouth, Steve Bruce’s two exes Sunderland and Hull do battle w...[Read More]

FPL Fixtures Analysis Gameweek 12 2016-17

FPL Fixtures Analysis Gameweek 12 2016-17 Welcome to FPL Fixtures Analysis Gameweek 12 2016-17. It’s always a bit of a tough ask to write an FPL article when the international games are still taking place. Will a key injury happen (Eden Hazard) and ruin a team’s chances for the next round? Will South American players be given a bit of rest after their lengthy travel back to the UK? And will teams just not practicing together disrupt any rhythm they had prior to the break? It’s all very speculative. So just to be safe, I’ll go ahead and say that I will only accept responsibility for this article if all of my picks go off as projected. If some of these teams come back playing a reduced squad and blow it, I’m telling you now that it’s not my fault. But I’m getting ahead of myself here, ...[Read More]

Around the Grounds FPL Team News Gameweek 11

Around the Grounds FPL Team News Gameweek 11 Welcome to Around the Grounds FPL Team News Gameweek 11. Ah look at you lot getting all excited over one great week of scoring last time out. Well the proof they say, will be in the pudding, so let’s see if you can pull out the stops again and reproduce last week’s epic scores. It’s a strange game-week is GW11 – no Friday match, no Saturday lunchtime game either, not even any Monday Night Football – it’s all about Saturday and Sunday, almost a throw-back to the 80’s. The Saturday 3pm matches sees Moyesie Livin’ on a Prayer as Sunderland go to Bournemouth, Tom Heaton’s issues a Take On Me challenge to Palace strikers as Burnley visit Selhurst, Man City host Boro with Sergio Aguero reminding FPL managers Don’t You Forget About Me, 3 wins in a row ...[Read More]

Around the Grounds FPL Team News Gameweek 10

Around the Grounds FPL Team News Gameweek 10 Welcome to Around the Grounds FPL Team News Gameweek 10. Another week, another week to disappoint and deflate – or as so many are feeling after a rough few weeks which has seen captain choices fail and regular names not delivering. And so onto game-week 10 and we kick off at the Stadium of Light where Sunderland host Arsenal in the lunchtime match. Five 3pm matches follow as Man United aim to bounce back from last week’s nightmare at Chelsea as they host Burnley, Boro face Bournemouth, Spurs welcome the Champion Foxes, Hull go to Watford and West Brom tackle Man City. Liverpool again appear in front of the cameras as they face Palace under the lights at Selhurst… oh the memories. Sunday sees two matches – firstly Everton ...[Read More]

Fantasy Premier League Captain Picks Gameweek 12

Fantasy Premier League Captain Picks Gameweek 12 Welcome to Fantasy Premier League Captain Picks Gameweek 12. We’re back. Almost… at last! England win all of their qualifiers and yet we still despise international breaks. The brilliant variety of global members among us tend to feel the same way I think; poor old GP must be feeling a tad suicidal right now. That said, there has been a lot going on in the world lately, including a ‘huuuuuge’ piece of news that’s been enough to divert our attention from the lack of Premier League matches — one that’s rocked the world to its core and has been THE hot topic of numerous online forums — yep: Sanchez and Costa have been yellow flagged with minor muscular injuries. Only the likes of Hazard or Aguero breaking a leg could trump that. [Update: ...[Read More]

Fantasy Premier League Tips Gameweek 12

Fantasy Premier League Tips Gameweek 12 Welcome to Fantasy Premier League Tips Gameweek 12. The FPL gods are clearly conspiring against me as yet again I’m forced it’s my turn to write the Tips article immediately after an international break when every man and his dog appears to have a yellow flag. I’m probably exaggerating somewhat but Eden Hazard and Diego Costa are flagged and between them they have in excess of 300k transfers in this week. It just goes to show the importance of not shooting your load when it comes to making transfers (sometimes I really should listen to my own advice). We’re now 11 game-weeks into the season and some of us are seriously lagging behind and we’re now reaching the stage where we need to take the odd gamble if we’re to remain competitive over the remainde...[Read More]

Fantasy Premier League Tips Formation Analysis

Fantasy Premier League Tips Formation Analysis Welcome to Fantasy Premier League Tips Formation Analysis. What formation to play has previously and largely been a non-discussion. In past seasons it’s seemed that, other than a few voices pushing for a 3-5-2 formation, the default has been a 3-4-3. Front heavy teams have thrived with expensive forwards like Kun, van Persie, Drogba, Rooney, Suarez etc. Mix in a few high priced mids and cheap enablers in the defence and on the bench and you’ve had yourself a recipe for success. Are we suddenly beginning to see a shift this season though? It certainly feels like it but is there any evidence to back this up or does it just feel like it because Klopp’s computer says ‘no’ to forwards?! We shall take a look at the over...[Read More]

Grab, Avoid or Bore Off!

Grab, Avoid or Bore Off! Welcome to another edition of Grab, Avoid or Bore Off!! It is International Break time and you know what that means. Those 3 pistoleros are called in to save us from the empty feeling that no FPL for two weeks leaves us with. So I have gathered the boys and this time we have dived into our topics with somewhat of a plan. Yes!! There was a plan on a Bore Off article, if it’s possible to live in a world where Trump can win, we can have a plan for Bore Off. We broke it down by positions and slowly but surely, tried to answer some of the questions that most concern FPL managers. Whether we answered them in a way that is helpful is a different question. 😉 So without further ado let us get to it and see if we can provide a little help, some laughs and a couple of &...[Read More]

Live Match Chat Gameweek 11 FPL News

Live Match Chat Gameweek 11 FPL News Welcome to Live Match Chat Gameweek 10 FPL News: Our game-week starts at 3pm on Saturday afternoon. It’s like the good old days. Well it’s not really as there’s only 4 games at 3pm. First up is 3 points for Bournemouth as they welcome the hapless David Moyes and his bunch of not so merry men from Sunderland. Crystal Palace travel to face Tom Heaton Burnley. Having beaten Barcelona on Tuesday night City will be confident of taking 3 points as they host Middlesbrough. West Ham host an ever improving Stoke side. Let’s hope that Andy Carroll is ok following Wednesday’s incident when he was held at gunpoint. Rumour has it the incident was carried out by the same gang who stole Shergar! Saturday concludes at 5:30pm when Everton travel to face a Chelsea side w...[Read More]

FPL Fixtures Analysis Gameweek 11 2016-17

FPL Fixtures Analysis Gameweek11 2016-17 Welcome to FPL Fixtures Analysis Gameweek 11 2016-17. I think we can all agree that this last week went a little more according to the script that we all had in our heads when this season started. Arsenal, Liverpool, and Man City all getting 4 goals in easy wins? Check. Eden Hazard attacking the ball and looking like a true superstar? Check. Jose Mourinho completely making a mess of things? Check. After the crazy season last year, it’s almost nice, comforting even, to be back in a predictable cycle within the Premier League. Sure, we’ll still root for that underdog team to make a bid for Top 4, and we’ll still root for a surprise promotion team to surpass expectations in their first year up; but when it comes to fantasy purposes, we have no qualms w...[Read More]

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