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Fantasy Football Fixtures Gameweek 4

Fantasy Football Fixtures Gameweek 4 – Fantasy Premier League 2014 Aaaaand breathe out….. FPL returns this coming weekend after being rudely interrupted so early on in proceedings by the international break just so that we could be reminded that the future of English football is about as bleak and bland as the past was. Anyway don’t get us started on that little lot as it’s time to re-focus on the main attraction as we take a look at the fixtures for Gameweek 4 and beyond and we analyse which teams have a decent run ahead of them as well as pointing out those that you m...[Read More]

Pottys Predictions Gameweek 4

Fantasy Football Pottys Predictions Gameweek 4 Hello my Potty Punters from a very hot and humid Los Altos, which is in Spain and within the Murcia Region. Not only have I peaked several times on my holiday but so has the sun with a daily high of 32 plus degree’s. So onto this weekends competition and I will make it brief as I don’t want mine and Samantha’s sun lounger’s to be stolen by a German!   “4 Strikes For Gold” 1. Pick only 4 Forwards. 2. Highlight a Captain who will gain you double points. 3. The Premier League teams from which your selections m...[Read More]

Fantasy Football 247 League Updates

Fantasy Football 247 League Updates Welcome one and all to the August round up of the FF247 leagues. I hope eveyone had a good summer, enjoyed the World Cup and has come back fighting fit for the turmoil which is the Premier League for 9 months. So as quick as we compiled our teams for GW1 of the 2014/15 season then the first month is over already would you believe it so lets find out which fantasy teams got off to a flyer :-

Grab, Avoid or Bore Off!

Grab, Avoid or Bore Off! To help you decide or just confuse you a bit more, we have asked 3 of our writers to pass judgment on what players you would do well to pick up and what players are better left out of the fray. We hope this is a simple straightforward formula that can assist you in your decision making as we ride out this International Break. We avoided including players like Siggy, Sterling, Ramsey or Costa as there is really no point. There seems to be overwhelming consensus on these cats. Grab – You need this player on your squad. On the Def/Keeper categories if they select Grab, th...[Read More]

FPL Transfer Window New Player Analysis part 2

FPL Transfer Window New Player Analysis part 2 [three_fourth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] #485727877 / [/three_fourth]With the transfer window slamming shut earlier this week we took an initial look at a few choice signing’s in part 1 and we continue do so here with a further run down on how we feel each new signing will fare from both a real life and also from an FPL perspective. Crystal Palace, Hull and Southampton have all brought in some interesting prospects, Spurs have replaced Sandro, champions elect Swansea have bought a centre-back while Burnley opted for th...[Read More]

FPL Wildcard time or Patience required? Some expert thoughts

FPL Wildcard time or Patience required? Some expert thoughts – Fantasy Football Tips 2014 / 15 [three_fourth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] #72896021 / [/three_fourth]Balotelli? Di Maria? Falcao? Welbeck? Cleverley? Boyd? No – the word on FPL lips this week is WILDCARD. An international break, a chance to gain some team value using unreliable price rise sites, a disappointing start to the campaign, an opportunity to buy those “must-haves” or just general boredom has led to thousands upon thousands of FPL managers pressing the button this week. A fortn...[Read More]

FPL Transfer Window New Player Analysis part 1

FPL Transfer Window New Player Analysis part 1 [three_fourth padding=”0 20px 0 0″] #137550311 / [/three_fourth]It’s fair to say that Premier League clubs have been quick to spend their new slice of the vastly increased TV money. In this transfer window they managed to shell out a record £835m between them with no less than six clubs breaking their own transfer records. Manchester United lead the way with an outlay of £149m and were joined in the £100m club by Liverpool on £117m with Chelsea and Arsenal not far behind on £91m and £82m respectively. Over the nex...[Read More]

When is the best time to play your FPL Wildcard?

When is the best time to play your FPL Wildcard? Fantasy Premier League tips 2014/15 Every season there is always the panic and finger nail biting as fantasy managers ask that same old question – “When should I use my Wildcard”. We all have different views as to when to use it so here is a short guide as to six different options that might just be the difference in winning your Mini League or having the ignominy of a season wasted due to your poor wildcard decision. If you time your wildcard well it can be an opportunity to make huge strides with your side as your team climbs the league....[Read More]

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