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Fantasy Football FF247 Team Gameweek 37
Fantasy Football FF247 Team Gameweek 37 Falling faster than a girl’s panties at the sight of Giroud, we continued our downward trend. Although the drop wasn’t major, it still hurts. 309 spots was the fall this time and it landed us in 4932th place. One would think that when your captain scores 46 points, dropping in the standings shouldn’t be a concern, but low and behold we managed it. Well let us get on with it with a quick review of the team in GW36 before we discuss our transfer plans. Damn you goal line technology! Ospina and us were denied a clean sheet when a dumb litt...[Read More]
Fantasy Football Fixtures Gameweek 37
Fantasy Football Fixtures Gameweek 37 Welcome to the silly season! What do we mean by that? Well, there’s a theory that at this time of the season you should switch your fantasy allegiances to those teams that have something to play for and ditch those that perhaps don’t, despite having invested in them all season. Well is there any evidence to suggest that this is a plausible strategy? We present three exhibits for the case of teams already being on holiday – Southampton, Tottenham and Everton. And teams for the opposite side of the argument – Sunderland, Leicester, As...[Read More]
Captains Picks Fantasy Football Gameweek 36
Captains Picks Fantasy Football Gameweek 36 – Fantasy Premier League 2014/15 Has it really been a month? Did I really lose the Post-It note? Did I really wait until the last minute to write this introduction? Yes, maybe, and … anyone else having a sense of deja vu? Yes, it’s only been a week since you last attempted to make sense of my gentle musings but I’m back again as what us Yanks call a “pinch hitter” in baseball. I’m the 89th minute substitution for a team winning 1-0 that’s hoping to run out the clock. And right about now I’m starti...[Read More]
Team Talk Fantasy Football Gameweek 36
Team Talk Fantasy Football Gameweek 36 You’ve had Init’s Fixtures preview, And of course Kop’s Hot Topics. But now it’s time for TeamTalk, For Gameweek 36. Our gamweek starts at lunchtime As Everton host the Black Cats. Toffees strong. Sunderland struggling, They my friends are the facts.
Kops Fantasy Football Tips Gameweek 35
Kops Fantasy Football Tips Gameweek 35 DGW34 was proving to be a rather disappointing affair with Liverpool delivering very little, but a few goals from Chelsea and Leicester, a Vardy assist, an Ivan assist, a Terry goal and a Fabregas assist may have just rescued it for a few! Many will now say that loading up on Liverpool players was a bad idea, it wasn’t, it was the right thing to do. It’s just unfortunate that Liverpool didn’t live up to expectations, again. But enough about DGW34, that’s behind us and there’s no use crying over spilt milk. With only four gameweeks remaining one would hope...[Read More]
Captains Picks Fantasy Football Gameweek 35
Captains Picks Fantasy Football Gameweek 35 – Fantasy Premier League 2014/15 Has it really been a month? Did I really lose the Post-It note? Did I really wait until the last minute to write this introduction? Yes, maybe, and of course not! It would be incredibly irresponsible to put off writing the introduction until after you’ve received several messages wondering where this article is. And who would publicly admit to doing such a mad thing? Certainly not me. Nope. I sat down and began the laborious write and re-write process (so many empty red pens!) for this introduction shortly after...[Read More]
Team Talk Fantasy Football Gameweek 35
Team Talk Fantasy Football Gameweek 35 Just four gameweeks remain, To keep your mini leagues alive. So I hope you’ve planned accordingly, For gameweek 35. No double gameweek this time But plenty still to mull. Starting off with Leicester, And ending up in Hull.
Pottys Predictions Gameweek 34
Fantasy Football Pottys Predictions Gameweek 32 Welcome to frantic Friday because many of you will be mulling on how much you should invest in this huge double Gameweek? Well as an ex property tycoon let me enlighten you here! I have 3 beach chalets in Bognor. With investment in any profession comes the big “R” which is risk, let’s look at our resident Bench of the Banterbury Leagues which many of us compete in, he himself each Friday buys 8 cans of “Special Brew” and ultimately misses many FPL Saturday morning transfer deadlines so that’s his frequent risk,...[Read More]